PSI - Issue 11
Felipe Alves Amancio et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 91–98
lipe Alves Amanc
io et al. / Structu
ral Integrity Pro
cedia 00 (2018)
Fig. 3. Influen
ce of temperatur
e on the compre
ssive strength.
gth individually . ference mix gth averages and T30+2,4 ix. While at ition of fibe enon, which
Fig. 4. Compari
son of averages c
ompressive stren
It cont sign A 46.9 valu resis refer
is possible t ents there is ificant reducti t 600 °C, the % respectivel es were 68.1 tance less tha ence concrete
o observe in no significan on occurs. resistance lo y, that is, low %; 58.5%; 6 n the referen .
Figures 3 an t difference b sses in the mi er reduction 1.8% and 64 ce, possibly d
d 4 that, exce etween comp x T30, T30+ values for th .2%. The mi ue to the spa
pt for the re ressive stren 1,2, T30+1,8 e reference m xes with add lling phenom
(ambient), for up to 400 °C were 30.6%; the temperat r presented a had greater m
all fiber add . From 600 33.4%, 43.8% ure of 800 ° reduction o anifestation i
ition °C a and C the f the n the
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