PSI - Issue 11

Felipe Alves Amancio et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 91–98




e Alves Amancio

et al. / Structur

al Integrity Proc

edia 00 (2018) 0



igure 5 show

s comparison

of the averag

es by the Tuk

ey test accord

ing to temper

ature in pair c

ombinations .


. 5. Comparison o

f average values

by the Tukey tes

t in pair combina



or a tempera combinations pressive stren tents, Tukey's ³ of polypr perature. So, averages for for 200 °C. F nalyzing the influence thi ented a grea ction factors +1,8 and T30

ture of 600 °C . This mean gth. For 800 test showed opylene fibe for the additi any of the tem or higher tem loss of conc s parameter ter loss of w for concrete +2,4 respecti

, with except s that 1.8 kg °C, although that there w rs is not en on contents o peratures. H peratures this rete mass wit (Figure 6). In eight when s subjected t vely. At 800 °

ion of relatio /m³ of polyp the T30 had n as no signific ough also to f 1.2 kg/m³ an owever, 2.4 k content show h different fib spite of thi compared w o 600 °C we C, the reduct

n T30 – T30+ ropylene fibe umerically th ant differenc mitigate fir d 1.8 kg/m³, g/m³ were ef ed inefficien er contents, s, from 600 ith concrete re 3.9%; 2.4 ion factors we

1.8, there is n rs is not eno e lowest valu e between th e damage to there were no ficient to prev t. according to °C, the refer with additio %; 3.1% and re 5.8%; 4.2%

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difference be ate fire dama ared to the ad his means th strength fo ifferences be mpressive str fiber conten was the on pylene fibers xes T30, T3 .8%.

tween ge to dition at 1.8 r this tween ength t does e that . The 0+1,2,

the com con kg/m tem the just A not pres redu T30

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