PSI - Issue 11

Felipe Alves Amancio et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 91–98




e Alves Amancio

et al. / Structur

al Integrity Proc

edia 00 (2018) 0


Table 4 - Physi

A H cal and chemical Properties Absorption lkaline resistanc Ignition point igh melting poi Specific weigth l and thermal co and molding o ter up to 28 to eliminate t osed to the re performed compressive minutes as th eters high. H specimens we ere exposed d, according s started.

properties of po

lypropylene fiber Results Zero lkali proof




404 °C 160 °C .91 g/cm³ Low





T of 1 tem and proc natu A resi the imp the Figu

he research b 0x20 centim perature of 10 performed th edure, the w ral cooling, a BNT NBR dential occup concrete in ortant to emp desired temp re 2. From th

egan with the eters, then cu 5°C for 24 h e ultrasonic eighing and ll specimens 14432:2001 c ations of heig its worst situ hasize that th erature for st is, the counti

preparation red under wa ours, in order test, then exp UPV test we were tested by onsiders 30 ht up to 12 m ation, once e specimens w udy is reache ng of time wa

f concrete sp days of age. he superficial temperatures again to de strength. e time from owever, for t re exposed to the heat du to the heatin

ecimens in cy After that sp water. After 200°C, 400° termine these the beginnin he present stu to high temp ring the proce g rate curves

lindrical mol ecimens were drying, specim C, 600°C and properties a g of propaga dy, we analy eratures for ss of heating of the furnac

ds with dimen oven dried ens were we 800°C. Afte fter heating. tion of the fi zed the behav 30 minutes. of the furnac es used, sho

sions at the ighed r this After re for ior of Being e until wn in

F ig. 2. Heating ra

te of the used ov



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concrete sub t, by Statistic

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identified tha strength of th e addition of ding to the tem

t the fiber con e concrete a fibers accord perature for

tent and the fter exposure ing to each t each individu

temperature-f to high temp emperature a al content.

iber interactio eratures. Fig nd Figure 4 s

n had a sign ure 3 shows t hows means

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