PSI - Issue 11
P. Condoleo et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 290–297
P. C
ondoleo and A.
Taliercio / Struct
ural Integrity Pr
ocedia 00 (2018)
D beha a
amage is lik vior of the bu
ely to be en ilding (as flo
hanced by th ors consist of
e geometrica simply suppo
l singularitie rted beams).
s recalled ab
ove, and the
limited box
Fig. 6 Open 3. N 3.1. T (Fig the m
. (a) Preparation ing of the cracks umerical mo Geometrical m he numerical . 7). Plans of t odel, but rath
of the wall surf in the wall facin del odel of the f model was de he floors wer er taken into
ace to install the g the courtyard.
dial gauge. (b) M
easuring the cr
ack width. (c) In
ner and outer tem
perature vs. tim
e. (d)
armhouse veloped usin e available, to account as de
g AutoCAD a gether with e ad load
ccording to a levations and
n accurate su cross-section
rvey carried o s. The roof w
ut on the bui as not includ
lding ed in
Fig. 7. AutoCA
D model of the b
uilding (grey: m
asonry; red: woo
den beams; brow
n: steel beams).
Materials and the absence the literature r elastic and s basically u elastic param tionable for m he software u rial densities
gravity load of experimen (NTC 2008 isotropic. Thi ndergo uniax eters are the asonry vault sed for the FE . In addition
s tal data, the e , UNI-EN 33 s assumption ial stress. Mas axial Young s (Anzani et a analyses (Ab to that, dead
In from linea beam key ques T mate
lastic proper 8, etc.) and ar is reasonable onry walls ar ’s modulus a l. 2010). aqus) autom loads taking
ties of the ma e listed in Ta not only for s e mainly subj nd Poisson’s atically comp the weight of
terials formin ble 1. All th teel and gran ected to in-pl ratio. The a utes gravity lo the ceilings
g the farmho e materials w ite, but also fo ane vertical s ssumption of ads accordin and the roof
use were ded ere assumed r wood, as ti tresses, so tha isotropy is g to the presc into account
uced to be mber t the more ribed were
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