PSI - Issue 11
P. Condoleo et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 290–297
P. Co
ndoleo and A. T
aliercio/ Structur
al Integrity Proc
edia 00 (2018) 0
also acti kN/ resi and Fina
applied on t ng on the upp m 2 was cons dential buildi attic, the liv lly, the weigh
he beams, by er side of th idered, acco ngs, in additi e load is red t per unit are Table 1. Prope Material Steel Masonry Wood Granite ements re crack dete k is likely to d (Fig. 8a). T ard because ns. A vertica nmost part, as a
converting t e beams. Reg rding to the on to a conve uced to 0.5 k a of the roof,
he load distri arding the ce new Italian ntional dead N/m 2 , as in including tile ials forming the Elements IPE beams Walls, vaults Ceilings, roof Stairs ilding is a su re building, a e faults, the n ttlements. Th t, linearly var . 8b, in order
buted over ea iling between Technical St load of 1 kN/ principle the s, covering an farmhouse ( E =Y E [M 2100 150
ch tributary ground floor andards for m 2 . Regardin attic can be d joists, was oung’s modulus, Pa] 00 0
area into an e and first flo Constructions g the ceiling accessed only assumed to be =Poisson’s rati
quivalent pre or, a live load (NTC 2008 between first for mainten 1.14 kN/m 2 o, =density). [kg/m 3 ] .
ssure of 2 ) for floor ance.
rties of the mater
0.29 0.25 0.46 0.23
7900 1800 420 2600
1100 5000
0 0
Ground settl he most seve . 4). This crac inner courtyar ard the courty ndary conditio of its norther
cted in the bu cross the enti o explain thes of ground se l displacemen shown in Fig
b-vertical crac nd is matched orthernmost p ese were inc ying across th to simulate a r b
k visible on by a signific art of the bui orporated in t e depth of th otation about
the façade ov ant tilt of the lding was assu he model by e building, w the side along
erlooking the façade overlo med to be ro means of su as prescribed the street.
street oking tating itable at the
(Fig the tow bou base
8. (a) Plan view o
f the surveyed o
ut-of-plumb; (b)
simulation of gro
und settlements
in the numerical
Seismic actio he intensity C 2008). A h ice comes fro straint in case ccording to ngs to zone ne the seismi considered ( s a soil facto 3.6 was assum S d ( T ) = a g S
ns of the seismi orizontal gra m the presen of seismic ex the most rec 3, correspond c action. For deposits of lo r S = 1.35. Fi ed (two-stor 2.5 T c /( qT ) =
T (NT cho con belo defi was give q =
c action was vity load wa ce of other si citation, prov ent territoria ing to a PGA lack of inform ose-to-mediu nally, to conv ey masonry b 2.207 m/s 2 ,
defined acco s added to th milar building ided that ham l seismic cla of 0.15 g = ation on the m cohesionle ert the elastic uildings). Thu
rding to the I e model para s adjacent to mering effec ssification of 1.47 m/s 2 . N stratigraphy ss soil, or pr response spe s, the design
talian Techni llel to the lon the longest w ts can be negl Italy (2015) TC standards of the soil be edominantly ctrum into de spectrum S d ( T
cal Standards gest wing of ing, which a ected. , the municip consider five neath the farm soft-to-firm c sign spectrum ) is given by
for Constru the building ct as an addi ality of Gam classes of s , a soil of cl ohesive soil) , a behavior
ctions . This tional alero oil to ass D . This factor
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