PSI - Issue 11
P. Condoleo et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 290–297
P. Co
ndoleo and A. T
aliercio/ Structur
al Integrity Proc
edia 00 (2018) 0
T he crack pat solidation cou Survey of the o evaluate th ding was sur ked in red or he NE part o of the extern same wall; th found in the he out-of-plu courtyard of a he surveyed building tend T T T T
terns before ld not be asse crack pattern e faults in th veyed. In Fi black, accord f the buildin al wall facing is crack exte entrance hall mb of the faç bout 0.1 m at crack pattern s to split. This
and after retr ssed.
ofitting were
not surveyed
and compar
ed, so that th
e effectivene
ss of
e building a g. 4, cracks ing to their w g was found t the street is nds to the op : they are like ades was also a height of 6 , changes in g is particularl
fter micropili passing acro idth, whereas o experience also found at posite wall fa ly to be the co surveyed: it m from the g eometry (out y evident in t
ng, the crack ss the entire other cracks the most sev the ground fl cing the cour ntinuation of was found th round (Fig. 5 of-plumb) an he NE part, at
pattern on t wall thickne are marked in ere faults. A oor and at the tyard. Two w those in the l at the wall at ). d differential the inner wa
he outer and ss (passing-th green. vertical crack first floor of ide, passing iving room at the entrance h ground settle ll embodying
inner walls o rough crack running alon the internal s through crack the ground fl all is tilted to ments indicat the flue.
f the s) are g the ide of s are oor. ward e that
buil mar side the also
Fig. 4.
Elevations of the
façade overlook
ing the street (lef
t) and the opposi
te façade overloo
king the courtya
rd (right).
Fig. 5. Schema
tization of the ou
t-of-plumb (in c
m): (a) facade ov
erlooking the str
eet; (b) opposite
facade overlooki
ng the courtyard.
Static monito static monit sed on the ev ck movement in place over ig.s 6a,b sho ide and insid l facing the co ges. Howeve nitial value, m t induced by d
ring oring system olution of so s also allow th a period of 1 w the installa e the building urtyard is plo r, after 12 mo eaning that f ifferential gr
A focu Cra stay F outs wal chan its i faul
was installed me through-w e type of for 8 months at l tion of a mil during the m tted versus ti nths, the wid aults are still ound settleme
in the farmho all cracks, w ces acting on east, so that th limetre dial g onitoring pe me. The obta th of some of evolving. By nts at the NE
use, to asses hich might si the building t e effects of s auge on a cra riod. In Fig. ined data sho the cracks (l examining th end of the bu
s whether fau gnificantly af o be identifie easonal therm ck. Fig. 6c s 6d, the openi w that crack o abelled G5 an e crack pattern ilding can be
lts are still ac fect the stabil d. Any monito al changes ca hows the cha ng of the crac pening is mo d G6 in Fig. and the chan identified (M
tive. Attentio ity of the bui ring system n be discarde nge in tempe ks on the ex stly due to th 6d) did not re ges in geome astrodicasa 2
n was lding. has to d. rature ternal ermal cover try, a 012).
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