PSI - Issue 11

P. Condoleo et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 290–297



P. C

ondoleo and A.

Taliercio / Struct

ural Integrity Pr

ocedia 00 (2018)


over layo

looking the m ut can be con a

ain street, th sidered a sour

at rests on the ce of structur

underlying v al weakness in

ault, should b the event of b

e further inv ground settle

estigated. Thi ments or earth

s weird geom quakes:


Fig.1 to the

. (a) Plan of the g plan of the first a

round floor and floor (green).

cross-section sho

wing unevenly sp

aced openings a

nd a flue. (b) Pla

n of the ground f

loor (grey) super



. (a) Facade over

looking the stree

t. (b) Facade ove

rlooking the cour


Fig. 2




Fig. 3 the bu T inter and prob fit un

. (a) Ties at two ilding. he building ventions. The two anchor p ably to resist der the exter

openings in the

south side of the

attic. (b) Anchor

plates at both si

des of the entran

ce hall. (c) Buttr

ess at the north s

ide of

has suffered se include tie lates beside the movemen nal walls faci

structural p s located in o the entrance t of this part o ng both the st

roblems, as penings of th hall (Fig. 3b) f the building reet and the e

can be infer e attic in the . A buttress due to groun ast side of the

red by num presumably o was also add d settlements courtyard.

erous, still v ldest part of t ed at the N-E . In 2010 som

isible retrof he house (Fig corner (Fig e micropiles

itting . 3a) . 3c), were

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