PSI - Issue 11
Antonio Bossio et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 394–401
Author nam
e / Structural Inte
grity Procedia 0
0 (2018) 000–00 0
fter aging, co the M-N do inement effec e preliminary s and colum nsions (10.00 40 m. It has t of frames is Three differe level provide a), however itudinal bars a ded only on tirrups equal g on two side The third lev the spalling mns (Figure 2 s of cross se ntricity of th r. The concre mns and (27x hird level of considered. tural elemen iders the corr re 3b), while re 3c).
rroded specim main was ev t according to results have ns having the x5.00) m 2 . E wo frames al equal to 5.00 nt corrosion l s a reduction concrete cove nd 1 mm of one side of be to 4 mm an s of corner-p el considers a of the concr c). So, the ge ction of reinf e vertical loa te cross sect 27) cm 2 for c corrosion. Fo The first co ts are corrod osion acting o the third co
ens and non aluated. The Lignola et a been used to same dimens ach interstore ong the X dir m. All the r evels referrin of cross sec r is still cons radius reducti ams and colu d 2 mm for l ositioned colu reduction of ete cover all ometry of cor orcements an d on the colu ion are (30x3 orner-positio r each consid nfiguration c ed along the n all façades nfiguration c
-corroded spe results of H l. (2016) and perform P-O ions of the te y has a heigh ection and th einforced con g to damages tion of the b idered active on for stirrup mns (Figure ongitudinal b mns and bea the bar diame around the p roded elemen d concrete. P mns is consi 0) cm 2 for fi ned columns ered corrosio onsiders the external side of the buildin onsiders the c
cimens have PC reinforce stress strain analyses co sted specimen t of 3.20 m, h ree frames in crete slabs ar occurred to s ars to induce as part of th s). Moreover, 2a). The seco ars, the spall ms and on on ter equal to 5 erimeter and ts is differen articularly, c dered, due to rst level of c in case of sec n level, in th corrosion ac (orange colo g and all exte orrosion acti
been tested by d specimens curves accord nsidering a s s. The struct ence the tota the Y directi e oriented in tructural elem the concret e concrete se longitudinal nd level prov ing of the co e side of cen 0%, a residua corrosion ac t in respect to onsidering th the unsymm orrosion; (27x ond level of e P-O analyse ting on one red in figure rnal sides of ng on all stru
performing were evalua ing to CNR-D imple simula ure has a rect l height of the on, fixed at t Y direction, ents have bee e cover crack ction (low lev bars and stirru ides a reducti ncrete cover tral-positione l diameter of ting on all si non-corroded e second leve etrical spallin 30) cm 2 for corrosion; an s three differ façade of the 3a); the sec structural elem ctural elemen
a compressiv ted by simul T 200R1 (2 ted structure angular plant structure is e he base. The 40 mm thick n considered ing (Bossio el of corrosio ps are consid on of the radi and the corro d columns (F stirrups equa des of beams elements, bo l of corrosio g of the con central-positi d (24x24) cm ent configura building an ond configur ents are corr ts of the bui
e test ating 013). with with qual clear with . The et al. n of ered us of sion igure l to 1 and th in n, an crete oned 2 for tions d its ation oded lding
and conf Thes beam dime to 6. span ribs. first 2015 long corro the s actin 2b). mm, colu term ecce cove colu the t have struc cons (Figu (Figu
Fig. 2. Con
crete section and
corroded steel c
onsidered to perf
orm P-O for (a)
first, (b) second a
nd (c) third corro
sion level.
F ig. 3. 3D model
of corroded struc
ture for (a) first,
(b) second and (
c) third configura
tion of corrosion
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