PSI - Issue 11

Antonio Bossio et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 394–401



Author name

/ Structural Integ

rity Procedia 00

(2018) 000–000

3. A A ove pote + U deg mod that 201 axia show x, c exp load neg A sign failu with sche Perf stre the theo been has was F and the retr 4. E T Itali stre

geing proces ll specimens r a side of the ntial and ultr .S.W.) allowe radation of th el. Figure 4 s occurs were 4, 2016). In o l compressiv s the P-M d oupled to con ected, there is is positione ligible effect similar con ificant effect re capacity m significant matically sh ormance Con ngth cement, results obtain ry by Lignol included in been neglecte used to rebui inally, P-O a three configu Peak Ground ofitted membe ffects of HPC he effects o an National ngth instead o

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mental resul y exposition lowing for th (U.S.W.) mea e loss of bar and so to def relation betw corrosion pot understand th erformed and to radial loss palling and c of load capac arycenter of main. n be repeated ual capacity. applied on the shear capac 6. One of t in the prese egates and sp ing axial load , some simul n only as con ending and ax e cover spalle models wer retrofitted con (P.G.A.) an ly without ad ent t were evalu esearch (CNR ties. As it is w

ts to a 3.5% wt e air transpira surements w radius and th ine importan een the corros ential are low e behavior o Axial load (P of bars, x, wh onsidering th ity due to the concrete sec for shear ca Biskinis et a systems dep ity, much f he available nt case a two ecial additive tests on cyli ation of retro finement, i.e. ial load. Tabl d due to the e e performed dition. Resul d the contrib ding any addi

of Sodium C tion on other ere periodical e formation o t parameters ion potential er than the v f such deterio ) - Bending M ile figure 5b e eccentricity loss of conc tion, while th pacity, wher l. (2004), Ital icted in figur aster with co retrofit soluti components s. Starting fro ndrical specim fit have been transverse re e 1 shows HP xpansion of for non-corro ts have been ution that H tional steel b

hloride wate free sides. Du ly performed f cracks in co for simulatin and the crack alue of -350 m rated structur oment (M) d shows the P-M raising due t rete cover; m e reduction e the reducti ian building c e 2, and a clea rrosion than ons for corro ready-mixed m presented e ens of HPC performed. T inforcement, C main mech oxides of stee ded structure, compared by PC jackets gi ars as longitud

r solution ins ring the corr . The coupled ncrete, both u g the seismic pattern of th V Vs Cu/Cu es and the los omains were domain rela o the loss of oreover, it is of cross sect on of stirrups ode NTC (20 r embrittleme flexural red ded structure free-flowing xperimental r and considerin he contributio hence the axi anical charac l (figure 7). corroded stru evaluating th ve to the she inal reinforce

ide Plexiglas osion process method (pot seful to defin behavior of e specimen su SO4 (Bossio s of load cap defined. Figu ted to loss of concrete cove clear that the ion of steel cross sectio 08) or other s is to use a mortar with esults, consid g the confine n of the jack al capacity of teristics. The cture (three e return perio ar capacity o ment or stirr nt of the mem uctions occu

walls , both ential e the a 3D rface et al. acity, re 5a bars, r. As axial has a n has shear bers r, as High high ering ment et has HPC HPC levels d, T r , f the ups).

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ommendation PC, account t improves ul

of CNR-DT ing for its thi timate strengt

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Fig. 4. Corro

sion Potential va

lues after 15 and

220 days of exp

osure to 3.5%wt

NaCl solution.

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