PSI - Issue 11
Antonio Bossio et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 394–401
Author name
/ Structural Integ
rity Procedia 00
(2018) 000–000
1. I
ntroduction orrosion of r lic safety and spalling and ion of the bar 7a, 2018, Br ctures is requ eterminate th 6, Bossio et a mns, beams ctures to des les, some spe orming a co crete (HPC). oded RC stru s of steel cr ormed too aft aterials and ested specim of diameter er, as distance rding to Itali ortland II/B.L regates of ma a. Reinforced ut two years. el of the sim e non-destru asonic tests, in
C pub and sect 201 stru to d 201 colu stru Nap perf Con corr term perf 2. M T bars cov acco of P agg MP abo mod som ultr
einforced con in terms of s if not adequa s and stirrups oomfield 199 ired. For this e reduction o l. 2017b, Mic or joints (Bo ign effectivel cimens have mpressive te The obtained cture. They h oss section r er retrofit of methods ens have dim 14 mm and fi between ext an building c L.32:5R for ximum size e concrete ele Figure 1a sh ulated buildi ctive tests h order to con
crete (RC) st eismic behav tely retrofitte with a reduc 7). To retrof purpose, dest f cross sectio hael et al. 20 ssio et al. 20 y the interve been corrode st, other spe results were ave been perf eduction and structural elem ensions (30x ve stirrups of ernal surface ode NTC 200 ordinary con qual to 3 cm ments have b ows the dime ng as a virtua ave been pe trol the evolu
ructures can l ior. In fact, c d and recover tion of static a it corroded R ructive and n n of steel (bar 14). The retro 15b, 2017c) ntion. In the d for long tim cimens were used as start ormed by con number of e ents by using 30) cm 2 for t diameter 10 m of longitudin 8 for an envir crete with a w ; the compres een corroded nsions of co l assemblage rformed: cor tion of corros
ead to unsafe orrosion of R ed, can lead nd seismic c C structures on-destructiv s and stirrup fit of corrod . It is very im laboratory o e and their re retrofitted (a ing point to p sidering diffe lements corro HPC. he cross secti m have been al bars and e onmental exp ater/cement sive strength by direct ex rroded and te of tested sp rosion poten ion and forma
conditions of C structures to undesirable apacity (Berto , the knowle e tests can be s) and the spa ed RC structu portant to k f Departmen sidual compr fter corrosio erform Push rent levels an ded, respect on and a heig used as inter xternal surfac osure class e ratio equal to was tested ex position to a sted specime ecimens. Dur tial measurem tion of crack
use both in t leads to conc failures due et al. 2009, B dge of residu useful aids fo lling of concr res can requir now the beh t of structure essive capacit n) by using Over (P-O) a d configurati ively. Same a ht of 90 cm. nal reinforcem e of concrete qual to XS1. 0.45 and 2,0 perimentally 3.5% NaCl ns, while figu ing the aging ent of long s in concrete,
erms of priva rete cover cra to the loss of ossio et al. 2 al capacity r the practiti ete (Andrade e a confinem avior of retro s of Univers y was evalua High Perform nalyses of a s ons of corrosi nalyses have Eight longitu ent. The con was equal to It was used 3 00 kg of qua and is equal water solutio re 1b shows of the speci itudinal bars respectively.
te and cking cross 015a, of the oners, et al. ent of fitted ity of ted by ance imple on, in been dinal crete 3 cm 50 kg rtzite to 35 n for a 3D mens, , and
Fig. 1. (a) Geo
metrical dimensi
on of tested spec
imens and (b) 3D
model of the sim
ulated building.
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