PSI - Issue 55

William Silva Duran Lopes et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 55 (2024) 151–159 157 William Silva Duran Lopes, Douglas Barreto, Inês Flores-Colen / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000 7

Although there are several bonus alternatives to improve the overall rating, in order to meet the demand of users who need to use an existing lift (old with no efficiency classification) was taking in account a future replacement of this lift by a new model t hat has “ A ” efficiency level according to VDI 4707(AGE,2017). Considering both the bonuses 0.5 points resulted in the overall rating of the building. The other bonuses allowed in RTQ-C were not considered in this work. 4.3.1 Result for the partial level of improvement in the Lighting System The new input data for the lighting system improvement were introduced and the simulation is presented in Table 3. Table 3. Partial efficiency systems levels (improvement in Light System). Partial evaluation Level obtained Envelope E Lighting System B Air conditioning S B This change was made in WebPrescritvo and the result was that the classification resulted in an upgrade level from E to B, reflecting an improvement in the overall classification, which went from C to B. 4.3.2 Result for Overall Efficiency level with improvement in the Lighting System and Bonus The results for the overall energy efficiency label level of the building considering the proposed improvements and bonuses is showed in Table 4 resulted in the following: Table 4. Overall efficiency level (improvement and bonus). Evaluation Level obtained Overall (PT = 3.93) for lamps replacement B Overall (PT = 3.57) for lift replacement B This lighting improvement and bonuses affected the Overall Efficiency Level resulting an upgrade form C to B The overall classification obtained by the BCo was therefore level C, which is in line with expectations given the uncertainties in the process, the age of the building and the characteristics of the building itself, which, due to the date of construction, did not include guidelines that would provide the best form of energy performance for the building. However, it is worth highlighting the low ratings obtained by the building's envelope and lighting systems. The envelope finally received an E label due to the thermal system requirements of the envelope. If the BCo structure is evaluated without the prerequisites, the building achieves efficiency level C. It should be noted that the assumed transmittance values of the envelope (2.06 W/(m²K) are very close to the limit required to obtain the C classification, which is 2.0 W/(m²K). With regard to lighting, the performance is due to the large number of luminaires with high energy consumption lamps, as an old BCo project from 2009 was used to determine the classification of the label. As for the air-conditioning system, it achieved good results, so that although it is not in Level A, it still shows good energy efficiency. Although BCo is defined by the C energy efficiency label, the measures taken to improve the lighting system and the bonus generated by the replacement of the lift led to a partial increase in the level of the lighting system from E to B, which is reflected in the level of overall efficiency, which went from C to B. efficiency level. 5. Discussion

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