PSI - Issue 55

156 William Silva Duran Lopes et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 55 (2024) 151–159 6 William Silva Duran Lopes, Douglas Barreto, Inês Flores-Colen / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000 • - Lighting system In order to simulate the efficiency of the current lighting system, the activity method was used, which takes into account, for each environment, the distribution of circuits, the contribution of natural light, and automatic switch off. The area of each environment and the installed power (lamps) were also taken into account, and for this purpose, technical visits were made to 46 BCo environments for a detailed survey. • - Air conditioning The technical visits on site identified 12 rooms with 22 air conditioning units, “ split floor-ceiling ” model. According to the equipment manufacturer, the cooling capacity is 60,000 BTUs, with an INMETRO efficiency level B label (MMEa, 2023). In addition to the useful area (AU = 6,706.23 m 2 ) and the conditioned area (AC = 938 m 2 ), the pipe insulation requirement was considered to be met. 4. Results Three simulations were carried out on the basis of the input data in WebPrescritivo. The first simulation refers to the current state of the building in order to find out the partial and overall efficiency levels; the second simulation takes into account the improvement of the lighting system, and third the application of a bonus provided for energy efficiency enhancement in the RTQ-C (PROCEL, 2017). 4.1 Simulation results for Partial Efficiency Systems levels Based on the input data described, a simulation was carried out for the partial Efficiency levels (Envelope, Lighting and Air Conditioning Systems). The simulation results obtained are presented in Table 1. Table 1. Partial efficiency systems levels. Partial evaluation Level obtained Envelope E Lighting E Air conditioning B 4.2 Simulation result for the Overall Building Efficiency level In addition to the results obtained for each of the systems presented above, it was necessary to determine two other values in order to represent the overall energy level of the building. The area of permanent transit (APT= 492. 04 m 2 ), which corresponds to the circulation areas of the building. And the numerical equivalent value of unconditioned and/or naturally ventilated environments (EqNumV = 4), which varies from 1 to 5 according to the thermal comfort of the place, with 1 being the most uncomfortable and 5 being the least uncomfortable, adopting the value of 4 for the building, based on consultation with library users during technical visits. Thus, with these new input, it was possible to determine the overall classification of the studied building, which reached the level of overall efficiency and a score (PT) presented in Table 2. Table 2. Overall efficiency level. Evaluation Level obtained Overall (PT = 3.07) C 4.3 Simulation considering improvements and bonuses An improvement to the lighting system can be a future replacement of the 1.20m long, 40W fluorescent tubular lamps by lamps of the same size but with a 20W output, LED type (ALUMBRA,2019). In addition to this is also proposed to install an automatic switch-off system (presence sensor in the surroundings).

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