PSI - Issue 55

158 William Silva Duran Lopes et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 55 (2024) 151–159 8 William Silva Duran Lopes, Douglas Barreto, Inês Flores-Colen / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000

When considering the replacement of the lift, the resulting bonus is 0.5 (points) in Eq1, resulting in a direct improvement in the overall level and efficiency, which goes from C to B, as in the case of changing the light bulbs. It should be noted that changing the light lamps affects the part related to the lighting system in Eq1, while the bonus is an increase in Equation 1 (PT). As a contribution for EFFICACY Project guidelines development, from the results of this work can be stated the following: • Labelling system can be a useful tool to find out the efficiency level of existing buildings, • the simulations tools used (WebPrescritivo and ProjetEEE) allows the simulations with insulation materials that can be applied at building envelope making possible to find out which one results in a better efficiency level; • these simulations are useful to stablish the guidelines for building rehabilitation using thermal insulation materials; • the simulations results can point out if the proposed rehabilitation strategies and material for thermal insulation are adequate and able to fulfill any financial incentives proposed by governmental agencies. 6. Conclusion It can be concluded that the use of the energy efficiency level simulation software allowed the evaluation of the BCo building at UFSCar. The results were better than expected, being an old building with an overall label of level C, and level E envelope. However, as the roof transmittance values are just above the limit, the level C label is restricted to be achieved. For the lighting system, a level E represents the reality of the system, as fluorescent lamps are still in use. For the air-conditioning system, a level B was a good result, as the equipment is more modern and has a high level of efficiency. In addition, to the lighting system improvements were proposed, which resulted in a specific B label (before E) for the lighting system, resulting in an overall B label, improving the rating not only of the lighting system but also of the whole building. The lift bonus also improved the overall rating from C to B. Another important point to highlight is that although the financial savings that could be made by improving the lighting were not foreseen in this work, it can be observed that it is possible to reduce the installed power by half, a significant reduction in consumption that is reflected in the energy bill. Although the proposed improvements were not sufficient to achieve an A rating, they still provide significant benefits and a higher level of energy efficiency encouraging to apply similar solutions in others University buildings The simulations, also, pointed out some guidelines useful for evaluating existing buildings for rehabilitation purpose, since various thermals insulation materials in the facade, and others improvements, to increase the efficiency level of the buildings, can be propose to meet as well the financial incentives requirements. Acknowledgements The authors thanks to the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), Department of Civil Engineering (DECiv), Community Library (BCo), SeGEF-UFSCar for providing the BCo´s architectural and electrical plans. Flores-Colen acknowledges IST (Instituto Superior Técnico) - University of Lisbon, CERIS Research Centre (UIDB/04625/2020), the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology), and EEA Grants Portugal for the funding of EFFICACY project (FBR_OC1_114). Barreto thanks to IST - DECivil - CERIS for the welcome and especially to Prof. Inês Flores-Colen for guiding the research carried out within the framework of the post-doc. References ABNT. BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF TECHNICAL STANDARDS NBR 15220-3: Thermal performance of buildings - Part 3: Brazilian bioclimatic zoning and construction guidelines for single-family homes of social interest (in Portuguese). Rio de janeiro Brazil. AGE. Association of German Engineers. VDI 4707 Guideline — Lifts Energy Efficiency; Association of German Engineers: Düsseldorf, Germany, 2007. Alumbra. Residential Lighting Product Catalog. São Paulo: Editora Alumbra. In: (in Portuguese. Accessed: May 2023.

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