PSI - Issue 55

William Silva Duran Lopes et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 55 (2024) 151–159 155 William Silva Duran Lopes, Douglas Barreto, Inês Flores-Colen / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000 5

Fig. 2. Library – Case Study (BCo, 2023)

3.4 Data entry settings Below are described the conditions and values defined for the simulation in WebPresctivo, taking into account the current conditions of the BCo Library building. • General requirements The following conditions have been taken into account for the general requirements: - The building has an electrical circuit that allows centralized metering, separated by single circuit for each electricity use; - Water heating characteristics do not apply to the building. The BCo Library has an electrical circuit with the possibility of centralized measurement by electricity use and the water heating criterion does not apply. In this way, the building can be classified up to level A according to the general requirements, depending only on whether it meets environment, lighting and air conditioning requirements. • - Envelope The first information refers to the bioclimatic zone, and according to NBR 15.220-3: Brazilian Bioclimatic Zoning (ABNT, 2005), São Carlos is located in ZB-4, with subtropical (type Cfa according to the Köppen-Geiger climate classification). The average annual temperature is 21 °C; the summer is warm with precipitation and the winter is cool with little precipitation (CLIMATE-DATA, 2023). For the envelope requirements, the thermal transmittance for the roof was defined for conditioned and unconditioned environments (U COB-AC =U COB-ANC =2.06 W/(m 2 K)) and for the wall (U PAR =1.83 W/(m 2 K)), determined using ProjetEEE based on the materials used in the construction of the BCo. The values for solar absorption (σ COB =65%) and wall absorption (σ PAR =68.1%) were obtained from RTQ-C (PROCEL, 2017), based on the colours of the facades on the site. The percentage of zenith opening (PAZ=0) was taken as there are no openings with an inclination less than 60°. The solar factor (FS=0) was taken as the worst case, as there was no information on the glass used in the openings. The drawings of the building to obtain the values related to the dimensional characteristics were used. The values of the total area (A TOT = 6,947.48 m 2 ), the projection area of the roof (A PCOB = 2,962.64 m 2 ), the projection area of the building (A PE = 2,962.64 m 2 ), the total volume (V TOT = 31,815.53 m 3 ) and the envelope area (A ENV = 3,385.21 m 2 ) were obtained. The values for the percentage of opening of the total façade (PAF T = 25%) and of the façade to the west (PAF O = 20%) were taken from photographs and a visit to the site. For the solar factor (FS = 0.635) and the values of the shading angles, vertical and horizontal (AVS=45º and AHS=45º) inclination angles were defined as the most critical according to the RTQ-C (PROCEL, 2017).

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