PSI - Issue 32

A.V. Churkin et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 32 (2021) 277–283 Author name / StructuralIntegrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



The control function of the ZET 7160-s hardware module in the visual programming environment is implemented through the graphical component "ZET 7xxx_1 configuration" (Fig. 3), which has a number of input and output contacts (Table 1). The contacts have different character and color designations according to the data type being processed. The input contacts are supplied with control signals from the control elements of the SCADA system project, such as buttons, buttons with locking, indicators, etc., which are used when creating a graphical window operator interface. The output pins are used to read the current state of the module. The contacts of the component "Configuration ZET 7xxx_1" have different characteristics: contact B-pulse binary, contact F-numeric value, contact T-text value.

Table 1. Inputs and outputs of the "ZET Configuration 7xxx_1" component" No Input contacts Units of measurement

Output contacts

Units of measurement

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Save changes to the sensor

Activity status


Activity status


Direction of rotation

Direction of rotation

Final speed Acceleration

Rev/s Rev/s 2

Final speed Acceleration

Rev/s Rev/s 2

Number of pulses to stop

Number of pulses to stop

Pc. Hz Hz

Maximum speed


Sine mode

Sine mode

Hz Hz

Sine frequency

Sine frequency

The amplitude of the sine


The amplitude of the sine


4. Design interface Let's consider a minimal set of graphical components for implementing the stepper motor control algorithm in the ZETLAB SCADA system in the design interface (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Diagram of graphical components of the control system in the design interface.

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