PSI - Issue 32
A.V. Churkin et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 32 (2021) 277–283 A.V. Churkin, Yu.V. Ganziy, V.B. Dementev / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000
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Accordingly, when creating a stepper motor control system, one ZET 7176 interface converter module and one digital driver control module were needed - the ZET 7160-s module [5]. The control driver HBS 57 [6] and the engine 57 HSE 2.2 are used as the control element of the system. Thus, the hardware part of the control circuit is a bundle of modules, shown in Figure 1, where the control object is understood as a mechanical working body of technical or technological equipment, which must be set in motion. The system is assembled in accordance with the module connection diagram (Fig.2). 3. Description of the program part Application development in the ZETView SCADA system is fundamentally different from development using traditional programming languages. Instead of text commands, graphical components are used. The interaction between the components is organized by building links, and the connected components form a scheme-the ZETView project, which in programming has two display modes: the design interface and the operator interface [1,2]. In the first one, the relationships between the components are set up and the logical scheme of the project is built, which displays the data transfer, cause-and-effect relationships and the sequence of actions. Pictograms of logical components allow you to perceive the functional purpose of the latter and facilitate the programming process. The operator interface is the mode of building the window interface of the control program, which reflects the elements with which the operator interacts during the operation of the developed application. The hardware configuration of the measurement modules is configured individually for each module in the ZETLAB software package [7] via the device manager [8]. When configuring the ZET 7160-s stepper driver module, the following parameters are configured: the CAN bus refresh rate (Hz), the physical value (step, revolution, rpm), the number of pulses per step (pcs.), the number of steps per revolution (pcs.), which are determined by the SD driver used in the system. the digital module has its own digital processor (processor), which stores the low-level information specified at the configuration stage.
Fig. 3. Expanded view of the DB management component for the 7160-s module in the ZETView environment
When constructing the control circuit and the driver of the HB S57 stepper motor (Fig. 2), the following values were taken: the refresh rate - 50 Hz, the unit of measurement – “step”, the number of pulses per step – 1, the number of steps per revolution – 800. This minimizes the program parameters that the developer of the ZETView SCADA system project works with.
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