PSI - Issue 32

A.V. Churkin et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 32 (2021) 277–283 A.V. Churkin, Yu.V. Ganziy, V.B. Dementev / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



The "Button without fixing" component is used to generate a" write pulse " (save) a set of input data to the ZET 7160-s hardware module contained on the input pins of the "ZET 7xxx_1 Configuration" component at the time of the pulse. To generate the "Activity status" signal, the graphical component "Lock Button_1" is used, which determines the state of the SD driver: on or off. The binary signal from the button is sent to the input of the conversion element of the data type "Converter (logic number) _1", which is necessary for matching the data type of the transmitted signal from the button and the input signal of the component "Configuration ZET 7xxx_1". Similarly, the input of the parameter "Direction of rotation" is implemented using the element " Lock Button_2" and "Converter (logic number)_2". The remaining components "Final speed", "Acceleration", "Number of pulses to stop" are implemented in the same way using the graphical components "Selector_1" - "Selector_3", which set numerical parameters that determine the characteristics of the movement of the stepper motor. And the components "Label 1" - "Label 4" are used to create labels in the window interface of the operator and are not related to the algorithm of the project. 5. Operator interface The control program in the operator interface mode is formed in the form of a program window and consists of labels (labels) describing the entered control parameters, buttons and selectors for entering digital information.

Fig. 5. Window operator interface: A-W stopped, B-W enabled.

In view A of the operator window, the element "Lock Button_1"is in the position when the stepper motor is stopped, and the element "Lock Button_2" is in the position when the direction of rotation of the motor is conditionally selected" Т o the right". In view B of the operator window, the same elements are reflected in their opposite state. The Selector_1 - Selector_3 controls set numerical values for the motion parameters of the rotation speed, acceleration, and the number of pulses before stopping. The "Button without fixing" control is displayed on the operator's screen as the "Apply" button. and is responsible for saving the data. The application works as follows. The operator sets the direction of rotation of the working body to the right or left, sets the numerical parameters of the movement in the corresponding selectors, sets the element "Lock Button_1"to the position"Stepper motor on". Then a “Save changes to sensor " signal is generated, which is displayed on the operator's screen as the "Apply" button by clicking on the "Button without fixing" element, and when it appears on the input contact of the “ZET 7xxx_1 Configuration” compone nt, the generated data of all input contacts simultaneously enters the digital hardware module ZET 7160-s, which independently generates a sequence of DIR, ENA and PUL signals transmitted to the HBS 57 driver.

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