PSI - Issue 30

Valeriy Lepov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 30 (2020) 224–231 Valeriy Lepov, Mikhail Lebedev, Nikolay Petrov / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



3. History and future of scientific achievements For fifty years, the many problems have been solved, the results of experiments and theoretical works have been published, patented and introduced into production. But a number of tasks are still on the agenda. The problems of cold brittleness of materials at low temperatures and the reliability of machines used, specifically in the North mining, have now been removed practically. Vladimir Larionov in the group of authors was awarded in 1986 the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the development and implementation of progressive welding processes for the installation and repair of large welded structures in cold climates, and the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in Science and Technology `in 2004 for the development of new generation of steels using natural alloyed ores of the Khalilovskoye deposit in Yakutia for critical metal structures in bridge building, construction, mechanical engineering, and for commissioning. Work was also carried out for foreign suppliers of equipment, mainly European manufacturers, and Komatsu from Japane. Also, half a century ago, attention was paid to a new construction technologies using ice, anti-icing of structures, freezing of bulk materials, energetics of the North. For the first time, the question was raised about the scientific groundwork created within the walls of the future institute - these are developments in the field of solid state physics, structural features of metals at low temperatures, physical and mathematical models of processes in permafrost soils, and the theory of heat transfer in new structural materials. On the pages of the press, since the 70s of the last century, the problem of the pile foundations failure due to the occurrence of thermal stresses under the influence of sharp temperature fluctuations, especially daily ones, reaching 30 degrees of Celsius, has been discussed. It starts from the occurrence of stresses between the cooled and warmed up concrete layers, subtle cracks appear, then moisture and aggressive salts get into them. When moisture freezes according to a mechanism similar to physical weathering, concrete begins to collapse, crumble, a so-called neck forms, and the pile ultimately cannot support the weight of a heavy building. To avoid such processes, it was proposed to protect the surface with a heater in the form of a two-centimeter layer of hardening foam, in order to damp temperature fluctuations in the daily amplitude, and to exclude the occurrence of significant temperature stresses. Now such materials in the form of polyurethane foam can be used everywhere. The essence of the scientific approach lies in the fact that the developed theory can be common for many practical issues of a similar fundamental nature, which allows one to kill many birds with one stone. Therefore, from the very beginning, the Institute pays great attention to the integration of theoretical and experimental research. Physical and mathematical methods complement each other, for example, in the development and implementation of a new technology of arc welding at low temperatures, methods for increasing the strength, crack and wear resistance of materials and coatings, assessing and extending the service life of metal structures, thermal physics of concrete and frozen soils, wear resistance of coatings. This is how science becomes the real productive force of society. The work on creating a scientific groundwork within the framework of scientific schools, represented by the main directions of the Institute's research, continues at the present time. Interesting in the scientific approach is that it allows you to plan the future, to assess the prospects for the development of a particular direction. Previously, such assessments were made in the spirit of the Marxist-Leninist teaching, when science turns into a direct productive force. It was in this doctrine that the rejection of living labor was predicted, which would lead to the explosive development of industry and the release of man from routine work for creativity and science, analysis of scientific and technical information and the creation of new knowledge. Of the numerous forecasts of the Soviet era, much was not realized, for example, the creation of air transport capable of transporting thousands of people at a speed of 12 thousand km per hour or more. But the demand for such travels turned out to be small, and the creation and operation of huge air ships is not economically justified. However, in recent years, interest in supersonic vehicles has increased again. The forecasts concerned cybernetics and computer technology, the growth of power and interconnectedness of energy systems, automation and mechanization of production in all sectors of the national economy. We can say that these forecasts are being fully implemented only now. The development of natural resources in a harsh climate on the Arctic coast remains topical. But it should take into account the respectful attitude of man to nature in the face of sharp global warming. For example, the effectiveness of the grounding device depends on the properties and condition of the earth, its ability to conduct current. At the same time, the frozen ground, it turns out, conducts electricity very poorly, therefore, remote grounding devices at the bottom of non-freezing reservoirs are effective, and strip surface and

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