PSI - Issue 30

Valeriy Lepov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 30 (2020) 224–231 Valeriy Lepov, Mikhail Lebedev, Nikolay Petrov / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



1. Introduction The Institute of Physical and Technical Problems of the North of the Yakut Branch of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences was founded in 1970 by the initiative of Nikolai Vasilievich Chersky. Dedicated to solving the paramount physical and engineering problems associated with the safety of transport, energy, construction and mining machines and structures operated in the North, IPTPN starts with only 100 employees, including 2 doctors and 15 candidates of science. Professor Nikolai Sergeevich Ivanov, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), the founder of the scientific school in the field of thermal physics and heat and mass transfer at low climatic temperatures, was appointed as the first director of the IPTPN. Vladimir Petrovich Larionov, candidates of science, was appointed as a Research Director. The young institute is quickly gaining popularity and respect among the local population, especially among young people and students. How this did happen? It turns out that even before the foundation of the Institute, its future employees have planned and discussed in the press the directions of works and after Institute foundation popularized the results of research, as well as the achievements of science and technology in general. Despite the fact that this happened 50 years ago, the relevance of most of the issues raised remains today. 2. Milestones in history of IPTPN SB RAS physics and technics for cold climate The first article by D.Sc. Ivanov N.S. appears in the newspaper "Socialist Yakutia" long before the organization of the Institute, on May 17, 1968, under the title ‘North: the problem of heat and cold’. It poses most urgent even at present time the problem of rational, efficient consumption of energy, unproductive consumption of heat in the North, which is the most important national economic and scientific and engineering task, since mining and structural operations are complicated by permafrost depths up to 500-1000 m, and very insignificant summer thawing, which also hinders the development of agriculture. For the first time, the problem of selection of heat insulating materials for heat exchange control is posed. Finally Ivanov N.S. comes to the conclusion that in order to solve a number of materials science and thermophysical issues and theoretical and practical problems, it is necessary to unite physicists, chemists, mechanics, builders, miners, agronomists, transport workers to create a specialized research institution that will solve the entire set of tasks related to the problems of heat and cold in the North. It should be noted that since 1962 at the Yakutsk branch, there has been a group of cold-resistant machines, led by a graduate of the Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School Petr. G. Yakovlev It was transformed into the cold resistance department in 1968, including several specialists among them was Vladimir Larionov, also from MHTS. Although in recent years, by the time the Institute entered the Federal Research Center "Yakut Scientific Center SB RAS", the scope of the Institute's activities has expanded, and includes research and development in the field of mechanics, strength and fracture, physical chemistry of technology of materials, reliability and resource of structures, thermal physics and heat transfer, as well as physical and technical problems of energy, contributing to the most successful development of the Arctic region, the North-East of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation as a whole. Thus, the subject of the Institute's activities is research and development in the field of physical and technical problems of materials science, technology and energy of the North, hydrometeorology, including the following areas:  physics of strength and deformable solid mechanics, physical and technical problems of materials science at low temperatures;  physical chemistry of materials technology, including the nanotechnology and nanomaterials for cold climates;  development and operation of energy systems and complexes, ecology, safety and energy conservation in the North;  problems of heat transfer, thermophysical properties of matter, including operation in extreme conditions;  technology for generation of permanent joints, repair and restoration of metal structures operating in very cold climates, as well as related technologies, including metallurgy;  natural and technogenic safety of the operation of complex technical systems, based on GIS technologies, hydrometeorology and related areas.

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