PSI - Issue 11

Gloria Terenzi et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 161–168



Terenzi G,

Costoli I, Sorace

S, Spinelli P / St

ructural Integrity

Procedia 00 (2

018) 000–000

Type I

pe A


pe B


Type L

Type M

ype C


Type N

e D


Type P

pe E


Type Q

e F


pe G

Type R


e H


Type S

Type O

F ig. 4.Ground and

first storey retic

ular steel beams

(types A through


3. A Th and and

ssessment an e verification associated m displacement Modal analy e finite elem e type eleme s of the stee lighted by th

alysis in cur enquiry in c odal masses, s. sis ent model o nts for all m l beams. To e investigatio

rent conditio urrent condit and a time-hi

ns ions is articul story analysis

ated in a mod , to assess the

al analysis, t seismic perf

o calculate th ormance in te

e vibration pe rms of stress

riods states


Th fram end high

f the structur embers. The c take into acc n campaign, r

(CSI, 2018), trated loads ams and col uting trusses.

e was genera ladding pane ount the poo otational rele

ted by SAP2 ls were consi r strength of ases were inse

000NL calcu dered as equi the welds o rted at the en

lus program valent concen f the steel be ds the constit

using at the umns

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