PSI - Issue 11
Gloria Terenzi et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 161–168
Terenzi G
, Costoli I, Sora
ce S, Spinelli P /
Structural Integr
ity Procedia 00 (
2018) 000–000
a )
b )
c )
onstituting profil
Fig. 5
. Steel columns o
n the ground and
the first storey;
section ( a ), later
al view ( b ) and c
es ( c ).
e modal ana tion periods g Y , and 38.9% ributions up t tions (equal t Time-history e performanc dards (Italian eded over th c Design Ear V R probability f 50 years by ory T1 (flat red to the city e results of th here the inter directions. As ediate Occup rmance level and MCE se ty performanc the other han nsions of 100 and 85.1 kN, iencies were etrofit hypot sed on the re ic performan ducing a diss
lysis showed of 0.466 s ( Y along X . Th o the thirteen o 88.7% alon verification a e evaluation Public Work e reference ti thquake (BD ). The V R per a coefficien surface), an of Florence e analysis car storey drifts n shown by th ancy level th limitation (d ismic levels e level by the d, the axial ×8 mm×mm) are exceede found also in hesis sults of the a ce of the stee ipative bracin
two first ho ) and 0.46 s e above-men th mode, by g X , and 85.3 nd performan enquiry was s 2008), that me period V R E, with 10% iod is fixed a t of use C u e d B-type soil are as follows ried out in cu ormalized to ese diagrams reshold ( d i , IO i,OP =0,33%) o the drifts are American St force instabili , as well as th d by a factor the cantilever
rizontal tran ( X ), respectiv tioned structu which summ % along Y ). ce assessmen carried out f is, Frequent ); Serviceabi / V R probabili t 75 years, w qual to 1.5, , the resultin : 0.065 g (FD rrent state are the storey he , all values ca =0,5%). At t n the second neatly below andard ASCE ty limits com e diagonal on equal to ab beams suppo
slational mod ely, and effec ral irregularit ed modal ma t analysis or the four r Design Earth lity Design E ty); and Max hich is obtain imposed to sc g peak groun E), 0.078 g (S synthesized, ights are plott lculated for he same time storey, wher the 2% thresh -41. puted for the es (L profile out 1.5, at th rting the clad
es along X tive modal m y in height gi sses greater
and Y , with asses (EMM ves rise to no than 85% are
nearly coinc s) equal to 4 t negligible m activated in
iding 6.5% odal both
Th vibra alon cont direc
Th Stan exce Basi 5%/ V N o categ refer Th 6, w 6 b ) Imm perfo BDE Safe On dime kN defic 4. R Ba seism intro
eference seis quake (FDE, arthquake (S imum Consi ed by multipl hool buildin d acceleratio DE), 0.181 g in terms of d ed for X ( d ix the SDE-scale , they only s e the normali old suggeste vertical profi s 60×5 mm×m e BDE, and ding panels.
mic levels fi with 81% pr DE, with 50% dered Earthq ying the nom gs. By referri ns for the fo (BDE), and 0 isplacement r – Figure 6 a ) a d seismic act lightly excee zed drift reac d for steel str les of column m), respectiv about 2, at t
xed in the It obability of b / V R probabi uake (MCE, inal structura ng to topogra ur seismic l .227 g (MCE esponse, in F nd Y ( d iy – F ion are below d the Operat hes 0,35%. A uctures at the s (L profiles ely equal to 2 he MCE. Si
alian eing lity); with l life phic evels ). igure igure the ional t the Life with 98.2 milar
ssessment an l members bo g system in b
alysis in curr th locally, by oth directions
ent condition strengthenin in plan, was
s, a retrofit s g the steel can proposed. Th
olution aimed tilever beam e intervention
at improvin s, and globall on the canti
g the y, by lever
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