PSI - Issue 11
Gloria Terenzi et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 161–168
Terenzi G
, Costoli I, Sora
ce S, Spinelli P /
Structural Integr
ity Procedia 00 (
2018) 000–000
b )
a )
b )
a )
c )
d )
e )
d )
c )
Fig. 2. Type 1
( a-b ) and type 2
ns at half-span ( a
-c ) and the ends
( b-d ); column se
ction in the basem
ent storey ( e ).
( c-d ) beam sectio
and roof ( b ) plan
s with alphanum
erical alignment
identification an
d steel beam lette
3. First floor ( a )
T plan T reinf tests pres meet corre intro T conc yield
he reticular st s in Figure 3 a he on-site te orcement sam on the weld criptions of t ing the “basi sponding val duced in stres he following rete equal to stress of the
eel members nd displayed sting program ple in the gr s of 12 ste he Italian Te c knowledge ue of the “co s state check main proper 24 N/mm 2 ; y steel member
of the ground in Figure 4, a me consiste ound and firs el joints, and chnical Stand ” level (name nfidence fact s, is equal to 1 ties resulted ield stress and s equal to 204
and first stor nd a single ty d in: 3 core t storey, for th several ma ards (Italian d LC1) for th or”, i.e. the a .35. from the ch tensile stren MPa.
ey include 17 pe of column drillings in t e R/C memb gnetoscopic t Council of P e structural dditional kno aracterization gth of steel e
different typ s, shown in F he basement ers; 6 microd ests, for the ublic Works assessment an wledge level tests: mean qual to 324 M
es of beams, igure 5. , 18 pacomet urometer and steel elemen 2008, 2009), alysis of pub -related safet cubic compr Pa and 462
as indicated i ric surveys a electric resis ts. Based on the tests all lic buildings y coefficient essive streng MPa, respect
n the nd a tance the owed . The to be th of ively;
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