PSI - Issue 11

Gloria Terenzi et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 161–168



Terenzi G,

Costoli I, Sorace

S, Spinelli P / St

ructural Integrity

Procedia 00 (2

018) 000–000

seis con T rein stor asse term prob thes B dam und inco perf 2. C T floo stor elev plan base D out. long (num (420 (rem con con

mic performa cerning a scho he building forced concre y. On-site tes ssment analy s of shear an lems are incr e members. ased on the p aged welds a er gravity loa rporating sil ormance of th ase study sch he school bu r area is abo ey) and 3.75 m nects it with nect the base ator compart including th ment walls), ue to a lack Pacometric t itudinal bars ber 1 in Fig × 420) mm × aining alignm forced concre ks, on the roo

nce assessme ol built in Fl is characteri te (R/C) wal ts revealed a sis carried ou d axial force eased by the erformance nd the replac ds. Furtherm icone fluid-v e building to ool building ilding has a r ut 1070 m 2 a (remaining the ground f ment with th ment made o e numbering whose section of original d ests allowed and 250 mm ure 1) and (4 mm (corner ents), reinfo te, of “Preda f.

nt campaigns orence in the zed by geom ls on the bas n unsatisfact t in current c strength, as w presence of la conditions of ement of the ore, a retrofi iscous (FV) o. ectangular pl nd the total storeys). The loor only, an e main entran f a 250 mm-t of beams ( s are detailed esign docume identifying th spaced Φ8 st 00 × 920) mm × alignments — rced with Φ lles” type on

of public bui 1980s, belong etric irregul ement, and r ory state of c onditions hig ell as possib rge precast c the structure external pane t solution con devices is an, with maxi volume is 10 first floor is d the other o ce floor. A hick R/C box 1 and 2, whe in Figures 2 ntation, an ex e reinforceme irrups were lo mm (number A5, B6, F6 16 bars and 2 the ground

ldings, includ s to this line arities in ele eticular steel onservation o hlighted also le instability ladding panel in current sta ls with lighte sisting in th designed, aim mum externa 950 m 3 . The accessed thro ne with all structural join section. The reas number and 3. tensive on-si nt of the R/C cated in beam 2). The colu , A3, B2 an 00-through-2 and first floo

ing schools. T of activity. vation, and beams and c f the welds significant de conditions o s, which prod te, local inter r ones, are p e installation ed at signi l dimensions storey height ugh two inter storeys. In ad t separates t roof is flat. 3 is referred te testing cam beams, colu s, with cross mns are of tw d F2 in Figu 50 mm space r, and made

he study pro the structure olumns on th of the latter. ficiencies of f the constitut uce severe loa ventions in th roposed to re of a dissipat ficantly impr of (31 × 38.7) s are equal t nal flights of dition, three he building f Figure 1 show to the align paign was p mns and wall sections of ( o types too, re 1) and (4 d Φ8 stirrups of prefabrica

posed in this is constitut e ground an A detailed se several colum ing profiles. ding conditio e steel beam ach safe cond ive bracing s oving the se m × m. The av o 3.3 m (bas stairs, one of external stai rom a more s the ground ments of th reliminarily c s. As a result 280 × 920) mm with dimensi 00 × 400) mm . The floors ted joists and

paper, ed by d first ismic ns in These ns on s with itions ystem ismic erage ement which rcases recent floor e R/C arried , Φ16 × mm ons of × mm are in clay

rein bric

Fig. 1. Ground

floor plan with

alphanumerical a

lignment identifi

cation and R/C b

eam numbering.

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