PSI - Issue 11
J.I. Gisbert et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 428–435
Author nam
e / Structural Inte
grity Procedia 0
0 (2018) 000–00 0
In reach the t In the s techn In
the model ing plasticity ension failure order to com ame geometr ique analyze figure 10 can
results can b . In contrast, is brittle. pare the num y, but compo d in this pape be seen the
e noticed tha bricks remain erical mode sed by one e r. loading proce
t the plastic in elastic be l with the lab quivalent mat ss for real sam
strains are m havior as thei oratory exper erial, has bee ples, and the
uch higher r compressio iments, an ad n developed continuous a
in the horizo n resistance is ditional conti to be able to nd discrete m
ntal mortar j much higher nuous model evaluate bette odels:
oints, , and with r the
Figure 7: Stress
(MPa) vs Strain (
mm/mm) at the
top of the sample
Diagonal Com he final uniax s, and (iii) 33 placement of he figure belo
pression ial compress 6 contacts wi 0.105 mm. w shows the
T node a dis T
ion model ha th fracture su Y stress and P
s: (i) 30624 s rfaces. As the oisson effect
olid elements uniaxial mod at the end of
counting mo el, this one c the loading p
rtar and brick onverges at fi rocess.
units, (ii) 22 rst try, failing
8316 after
ure 8: Stress in Y
axis (left) and S
tress in X axis (r
ight). (Units in M
T incre sudd
he diagonal te asing load. T en failure of t
st shows a gr his fact gener he sample.
owing tensile ates a shear s
stress in the tress between
middle due to brick and mo
the lateral ex rtar that prod
pansion of th uces the surf
e sample und ace sliding an
er the d the
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