PSI - Issue 11
J.I. Gisbert et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 428–435
Author name
/ Structural Integ
rity Procedia 00
(2018) 000–000
urthermore, ounding the Y the numerica n figure 12 c erical model
in the model axis where l model samp an be observe and the labor
results can b the load is ap le fails due to d the compar atory experim
e noticed how plied, being shear stress ation between ent.
the higher e these joints th before the pla the loading
lastic strains e path where sticity behav process and t
concentrate i the sample u ior is reached he displaceme
n the mortar sually fails. I . nt produced
joints n this of the
surr case I num
Figure 9
: Base loads and
top vertical disp
5. C T num inte easi Dru one T rein resu to a Ref [1] H [2] K 2 [3] A C [4] A 2 [5] E p [6] A C [7] E r [8] G C [9] S S [10]
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