PSI - Issue 11
J.I. Gisbert et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 428–435
Author name
/ Structural Integ
rity Procedia 00
(2018) 000–000
A s shown in lacements alo constant load Diagonal Co he criterion d pression test. he numerical have been fix Z and X dire n the top pa lacements in esults he ramped d ic vertical di el. Uniaxial com he final unia es, and (iii) 2 r a displacem T
figure 5, rega ng X and Z . mpression escribed to d model has b ed to zero di ctions. rt of the mod X and Z direc
rding the top axis, and a ra
of the mod mped displac
el boundary c ement of 1 m
onditions, al m has been i
l nodes have ntroduced in
been set wit Y axis to rep
h free resent
disp the
T com T part both O disp 4. R T stat mod
evelop the un een rotated 4 splacement in el a ramped d tions.
iaxial model, 5 degrees and the Y directi isplacement
solid186 elem , regarding it on, and the sy of 0.2 mm ha
ents, has bee s boundary co mmetry botto s been introd
n followed to nditions, 2 p m axis have uced in the Y
build the dia lanes in the b been constrai axis, leavin
gonal ottom ned in g free
quasi ession
isplacement a splacement lo
nd the materi ad test for b
al properties t oth samples;
hat have been the uniaxial
set to the m compression
odels generate and the dia
a nonlinear gonal compr
pression xial compres 40 contacts w ent of 0.55 m
42059 ailing
sion model ha ith fracture s m. The figure
s: (i) 18938 s urfaces. Desp below shows
olid element ite this comp the Poisson e
s counting mo lexity, the mo ffect at the en
rtar and bric del converge d of the load
k units, (ii) 1 s at first try, f ing process.
nod afte
ure 6: Stress in Y
axis (left) and
Stress in X axis (
right). (Units in M
nalyzing the tar joints an erence of thei much more st egarding the ple due to th oduces tensio sample.
results of the d bricks due r deformabili ressed that th X direction, e Poisson’s n stresses in t
numerical m to the stress ty. Furthermo e vertical join a growing str effect, which he vertical joi
odel, major difference b re, it can be ts. ess can be ob is greater i nts as well as
Y stresses can etween the seen how the served as the n this materi in the centra
be detected two material horizontal m mortar appro al than for b l part of the b
in the contac s, which is c ortar joints ju aches to the l ricks. This e ricks, causing
ts between v aused becau st under the ateral border xpansion be the final fail
ertical se the bricks of the havior ure of
mor diff are sam intr the
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