PSI - Issue 11
J.I. Gisbert et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 428–435
Author nam
e / Structural Inte
grity Procedia 0
0 (2018) 000–00 0
A Druc T this para
NSYS [10] d ker-Prager yi his composite paper, in ord meters:
efines this cr eld surface in criterion req er to calibra
iterion as a c compression uires defining te this techni
omposite sur . a hardening, que a linear
face consistin softening an brittle failure
g of a Ranki d dilatation (H method has
ne tension fai SD) behavio been used w
lure surface r for the mod ith the follo
and a el. In wing
Table 2: Materi Bricks Mortar
HSD parameters al
κ 0 0 κ cm .001 0.001 .001 0.002 cm
Ω ci Ω 5 0.33 0. 0.33 0.
cr κ tr 1 0.0005 1 0.0005
Ω tr 0.2 0.2
2.4.2 C betw defin reach T
. Contacts ontacts are al een mortar an ed [8] as a f ed, the conta he parameters
l defined as d bricks, wh racture surfac ct may fail ca to define the
symmetrical a ich can lead t e to allow th using openin CZM [7] are
nd bonded. H o slip and deb e brittle failu g or sliding. :
owever, in o onding behav re of the cont
rder to mode iors, a cohesi act. If the ten
l the tensile a ve zone mod sile or tange
nd shear resp el (CZM) has ntial stress lim
onse been it is
Table 3: Co Contact Masonry
hesive Zone Mo
del parameters F xt (MPa)
f I (N/m)
f II (N/m)
ax (MPa)
3. N
umerical mo
gure 5: Uniaxial
(left) and diagon
al (right) model b
oundary conditio
3.1. T Alth justi W incre T at th
Uniaxial com he model de ough it may fies it. hen solid65 asing steps n he boundary c e symmetry a
pression veloped to re use several t is used, a recu umber. The u onditions in xis, Z displac
present unia ime and reso rring method se of solid186 the model bas ement or X di
xial compres urces to fulfi to achieve co makes this u e are: (i) for a splacement (d
sion has been l the calculu nvergence is nnecessary, a ll nodes Y di epending of
built using s, the fact th to make seve s it usually re splacement h the axis) have
hexahedral 2 at it allows e ral tries reduc aches converg as been set to been set to z
0 node elem asier converg ing mesh siz ence at first t zero (ii) for n ero too.
ents. ence e and ry. odes
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