PSI - Issue 11

J.I. Gisbert et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 428–435



Author name

/ Structural Integ

rity Procedia 00

(2018) 000–000

Figure 3: U

niaxial compres

sion (left) and di

agonal compress

ion (right) FE me

shed models


Material def he initial dat simulations a e modified to dulus between

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s obtained fro ung’s Modul bserved failu i) as for brick

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Young’s M 8000 4000 7000

odulus (MPa)

Poisson’s R 0.14 0.20 0,16

atio R c (MP 15 4.5 5.00


R t (MPa 1.50 0.45 0.52


Bricks Mortar Masonry


Failure crite


2.4. T both mas

1. Drucker- P o complete t brick and m onry element

rager Rankin he material d ortar in ord s.

e ata definition er to represe

, the failure c nt the large

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rucker-Prage etween tensil

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] has been u ession behav

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Figure 4: 2-D

Yield surfaces

showing Drucke

r-Prager and Ran

kine Surfaces (a)

. Linear HSD in

compression (b)

and tension (c)

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