PSI - Issue 10

N. Kourniatis et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 10 (2018) 187–194 N. Kourniatis and I. Fakiri / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000 – 000



Smooth textures can protect human from anxiety and anger. The rough textures such as stone, reveal a violent and cruel character. Also these textures can motivate and energise the person. However, the use of these textures must be under specific conditions in order to prevent unwanted dispositions i.e. rough textures can be beneficial in sporting areas where the energy is desired, but not in learning environments such as classrooms. Smell: According to a 2008 study in 56 healthy volunteers at the University of Ohio, the smell of lemon can significantly improve the mood and help the person to relax, thus increasing the levels of serotonin in the human body. In a 2009 study, researchers discovered that animals inhaling the scent of linalool (an ingredient found in lemon essential oil and in lavender oil) decreased anxiety levels and elevated the cell count in their immune system. Other researches have shown that lavender has soothing qualities and is used to relieve stress by helping the production of endorphins and the treatment of insomnia. Additionally, in a 2007 study and after five minutes of rosemary inhalation, volunteers showed a significant reduction in cortisol levels, which is responsible for stress. In a 2003 study, participants who were working in chamber scented with rosemary essential oil were more alert and had better cognitive performance than those who were placed in odorless workplaces. Colour: According to Daggett and Gertel (2008) colour can affect directly health, morale, feelings, behavior and student performance, depending on the culture, person ’ s age and gender. Wohlfarth (1986) president of the Interna tional Academy of Sciences Color, introduced relationships between color and changes in blood pressure, pulse, and respiration rate. The colour has proven to change the activity of brain waves (alert) through electromagnetic waves. It is considered that different colours interact with the endocrine system to stimulate or reduce the production of hormones. At the level of switching, the movement of the duct is double, as mentioned above, depending on the sign of the vector objects located therein since the vector objects with negative sign (-) are considered those whose size deviation from the permissible limits is the highest, as indicated by the indices. In the second selection step from said selected vector objects, we chose to consider first the vector objects resulting from the first tank. At the point where the entire conductor is positively charged, all data and actions that have occurred are completed and the system is stabilized, otherwise the process is repeated to achieve a universal positive charge. The dynamic structure then remains constant until the change of the data contained in the tanks. That is, until the chart that feeds data to the tanks perceives a change in the specific field. 6. Affordance

Fig. 5. The flow chart.

7. Expected paradigm shift

To sum up, if today the cultural consideration changes looking for a smarter city, then design strategies should move to developing techniques that manage change through ecological evolving and developing platforms. In an

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