PSI - Issue 10
N. Kourniatis et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 10 (2018) 187–194 N. Kourniatis and I. Fakiri / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000 – 000
effort to form a smarter city, natural landscape should not be a backdrop on which the urban development will be placed, but a dynamic field of study, management and recovery of the urban fabric. On this basis the research presented in this paper is a first conceptual approach to a mechanism that may monitor the transformation of natural space fed with data obtained from its analysis, in order to compose them and redefine the urban space. Specifically, this mechanism uses a method for approaching three-dimensional models from n-dimensional hypercubes that undergoes on the urban field through polar zonohedra. This method will help the dynamic tool to collect data from urban and to separate them into the tanks, and then we use hypercubes to translate or better to connect the separate three dimensional exports in n-dimensional export that is an appropriate form for urban metabolism. The paper then goes on to present certain sections of the solids in question and the creation of tessellations on the plane in order to contribute to urban metabolism. This mechanism for the design of the hybrid field and data management of the hybrid field between the natural and the urban fabric is in a conceptual stage; the aim however is the future development of systems that support its practical operation. Such systems do not involve new hardware, but are mainly platforms coupling already existing software in order to gather real-time data, encode and control the homeostasis or the feedback. In this direction new methods of integrating spatial and related databases can be developed. Ball, W.W.R., Coxeter, H.S.M., 1947. Mathematical Recreations and Essays, New York: The Macmillan Company, pp. 141-144. Corner, J., 2003. Landscape Urbanism. In Landscape Urbanism: A Manual for the Machinic Landscape. Architectural Association. Concini, C., Procesi, C., 2010. Topics in hyperplane arrangements, polytopes and box-splines. Springer, 4. Fakiri, I., 2017. Strategies towards Smarter Cities: A dynamic tool which supports the urban metabolis, Nova Science Publishers: Smart Cities: Technologies, Challenges and Future Prospects, 141. Fakiri, I., 2016. The interpretation of landscape: Strategies towards smarter cities, Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS), 5th International Conference Rome Italy. Evans. G.W., 2004. The Environment of Childhood Poverty. American Psychologist 59. Gardner, E.P., 2001. Touch. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. Gary, W., Michelle, A., 2009. Schamberg. Childhood poverty, chronic stress, and adult workingmemory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106. Gillespie, A., Leach, N., 2007. Digital Lifestyles and the Future city, Designing for a digital world, London: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Hays, M., 1968. Architecture Theory since, Cambridge MA: the MIT Press Journal, London, England. Leach N., (2009). ed. Digital Cities, Architectural Design, Volume 79, Issue 4, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,July/August. Kourniatis, N., Emiris, I.Z., 2017. The parametric approach to the architectural problem of projecting higher-dimensional hypercubes to R3, and its correlation with the tessellation of a plane. Journal of Engineering and Architecture 5, 26-37. Lister, N-M., 2007. Sustainable Large Parks. In Czerniak, J. & Hargreaves, G. (ed.) Large Parks. NewYork: Princeton Architectural Press. Macdonald, C., 2006. Machines of Loving Grace. In On Landscape Urbanism. Austin TX: Center for American Architecture and Design University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture. Mitchell, W.J., 2006. Smart City 2020. Metropolis, April. Available at /20060320/smart-city- 2020. Nyerges, T.L., Jankowski P., 1996. Regional and Urban GIS: A Decision Support Approach. Simon, H.A., The Science of the artificial. MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass, 3rd edition. Vianna, M.M.B., Portugal, L.S., Balassiano, R., 2004. Intelligent transportation systems and parking management: implementation potential in a Brazilian city. Cities 21(2), 137-148. Waldheim, Ch., 2006. Landscape as Urbanism. In the Landscape Urbanism Reader. Princeton Architectural Press. Wall, A., 1999. Programming the Urban Surface. In On Landscape Urbanism. Austin TX: Center for American Architecture and Design University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture. Wells, D., 1991. The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Geometry. Penguin books, p. 275 Wiley, J., 2009. Experiments in Associative Urbanism. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Images © Architectural Association. References Maturana, H., Varela, F., 1980. Αutopoiesis and Cognition: the realizati on of the living. Dordrecht: D. Reidel. Morel, Ph., 2005. Formes de Langages Formels (Workshop Introduction), Meudon: Villa VanDoesburg.
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