PSI - Issue 10

N. Kourniatis et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 10 (2018) 187–194 N. Kourniatis and I. Fakiri / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000 – 000



describe in the following we will use hypercubes to translate or better to connect the allocate three-dimensional exports in n-dimensional export that is an appropriate form for urban metabolism. At the second stage the term of conduit is introduced, that conveys fluxes through it. The use of the term flux in this paper is based on the following logic: In the initial meaning of the term "Flux," that derives from the Latin word fluxus, both flow and change are included. This perfectly describes both a main function of natural landscape that is capable to convey flows, and the effects that flows have on it, which may cause changes to it. Specifically it is made of a selection of vector objects from the previous stage (tanks). Priority is always given to vector objects belonging to the first tank. The second phase of the methodological tool introduces specific standards called “ indicators ” . These “ indicators ” are quantified data that meet specific conditions (simplicity, power, data avail ability over time, sensitivity to small changes, validity) and allow the system to legislate and monitor the quality of the variables managed. At the point where the "indicators" check the validity of the previous level’s data, the conduit s are charged with a plus or minus sign. If the sign is minus, the conduit is understood as meaning, in which case the system reclassifies the vector objects. If the sign is plus, the conduit acts as an accelerator and facilitates the integration of data. Finally, the vector objects that do not have quantitative data but only spatially remain neutrally charged. At this point we can illustrate some specific indicators that can check the validity of the previous level’s data. It is worth mentioning that this methodological/dynamic tool is in a conceptual stage; thus these indicators can be completed in the future development of the system. Currently proposed indicators are: Urban Environmental: (vector objects: green spaces, urban network). Urban environmental indicators are quantified data that meet specific conditions (simplicity, power, data availability over time, sensitivity to small changes, validity) and allow the system to legislate and monitor the quality of the variables managed. Hydrography (vector objects: drainage texture, lakes, sea, erosion level). According to the drainage texture of the site, the regions have high water concentration are marked with a minus sign. In contrast the regions that have low water concentration are marked with a plus sign. Slope (vector objects: soil resources data): Regions of the site that have more than 40% slope are checked and marked with the appropriate sign depending on the degree of cementation and green space. Erosion level (vector objects: soil resources data): According to European COST 620 program there are four categories indicating soil erosion. The Very high vulnerability (F p ≤19) requires protection. The High vulnerability concerns rates from 20 20 while Low vulnerability concerns values F p < 25. Humidity level and temperature: It is important for humans to feel protected in order to cope with daily life. Acceptable humidity level is from 40 to 50%, while the desired temperature is between 18 o C and 20 o C. Noise: Noise affects human behavior. The effects of noise pollution, as well as the causes, are paramount across the world. Damaging to mental health, noise can produce annoyance and irritation, and this can quickly lead to aggression. This cycle of noise can soon lead to violence, hypertension, stress, sleep loss, hearing loss, and other unnoticed effects. The high blood pressure produced by stress from noise pollution can lead to cardiovascular effects, bad tempers, and even harmful reactions like heart attacks in the most extreme cases. Researchers Matthews and Cannon (1975) have done a research of Environmental noise level as a determinant of helping behavior. The results of research dealing with the effects of noise on intrapersonal behavior suggest a variety of possible consequences for interpersonal functioning. The effects of various levels of noise on simple helping behavior were explored in a laboratory and a field setting for a total of 132 male Ss. In 2 experiments, Ss exposed to 85 dB white noise were less likely than those exposed to lower noise conditions to offer assistance to a person in need. Results are interpreted on the basis of prior research suggesting that noise-produced arousal leads to a restriction in attention deployment or cue utilization. Touch: In the context of neurobiology touch is defined as the special sense by which contact with the body of an organism is perceived in the conscious mind (Gardner (2001)). Sensory neurons densely enervate the skin; in each square inch of skin there are hundreds of sensory nerve endings (Gardner (2001)). The sensory neurons transmit their signals to the thalamus and to several parts of the cerebral cortex. The specific location in the brain at which each sensory neuron makes synapses, determines how the touch signal is interpreted. 5.1. Indicators

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