PSI - Issue 59
630 O. Fomin et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) 629–635 2 Oleksij Fomin, Serhii Kara, Dmytro Turovets, Andrii Klymash, Serhii Kuzmenko / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2023) 000 – 000
Study of the strength and fatigue life of a welded load-bearing structure of the open-top wagon body was carried out using mathematical simulation methods (Antipin et al., 2016). The causes of the occurrence of crack-like defects in the pivot center of the wagon were detected. Options to improve the load-bearing structure of the pivot center of newly manufactured open-top wagons and repaired wagons with defects were proposed. Complex calculations confirmed the efficiency of the modified design of the open-top wagon pivot center conception. Standard DSTU 7598 (2014) describes the general requirements for calculating and designing new and modernized cars of 1520 mm. European Standard EN 12663 – 2 (2010) specifies minimum structural requirements for freight wagon bodies and associated specific equipment such as: roof, side and end walls, door, stanchion, fasteners, and attachments. It also defines special requirements for the freight wagon bodies when the wagon is equipped with crashworthy buffers. The coverage of the results of work on determining ways to increase the degree of ideality of freight cars and forecasting the evolution of the chassis of new generation cars is described in the work (Fomin et al., 2015). The article (Fomin, 2015) presents the features and results of cataloging the supporting system of a semi-car during the application of this approach for the front wall of one of the basic models. Research results can be applied in the development of new types of railway platforms for the transportation of cargo semi-trailers. In аrticle by Fomin O. et al. (2019), features of the mathematical modeling of the dynamic load of containers placed on the platform during a shunting collision are given. Numerical values of accelerations acting on the container are determined. The results are confirmed by computer simulation. The technique of fatigue crack growth modelling in the material of railway axle under regular and random loading with respect to statistical characteristics of mechanical properties was developed by Yasniy et al. (2013). The article by Kelrych and Fomin O. (2014) gives promising directions for constructing half-car frames and their features, which can be applied to other types of freight cars. The methods by Kliuiev (2018) for determining the locomotive wheel-rail angle of attack are considered. To reduce the power impact of the wheel flange with the rail head when the locomotive moves on curved sections of the track, it is advisable to change the locomotive wheel-rail angle of attack by turning the wheel pairs. Controlling the locomotive wheel pair position is possible by means of an operational measurement of the actual wheel-rail angle of attack. Measurement of the wheel-rail angle of attack is not performed because it is impossible to determine the value directly. A special wagon for intermodal transportation is presented in the article by Krason et al. (2014), which can transport cars with a weight of up to 36 tons and a height of up to 4 m. These developments can be used in the design of new wagons for intermodal transportation. Identification of the causes of cracks in the frames of wagons for transporting containers and evaluation of the fatigue strength of welded joints is described by Milovanovic et al. (2013). In work by Nandan et al. (2020) described the design of the car for various loading conditions, taking into account the actual condition of the track. Work by Sokolov et al. (2021) is devoted to the development of electrohydraulic drives of technological equipment. The engineering method of calculating the automatic electro-hydraulic drive of rotary motion with volume regulation is presented. This method allows you to estimate the main parameters and select drive elements and devices based on the maximum load moment and rotation speed of the hydraulic motor, predict its static and dynamic characteristics. Analysis of wagon body strength calculations and real tests of the series wagon Sdggmrss-twin given by Stoilov et al. (2019). 2. Methodology On the basis of running strength tests of the device for transporting semi-trailers on platform wagons of the 13-9004M model and dynamic running tests of a platform car with an installed cargo semi-trailer in a loaded state, a program of impact tests and tests of dropping from wedges has been developed for additional evaluation strength of the proposed device for transportation of semi-trailers on platform wagons. The cargo semi-trailer is fixed in 2 zones: 1) the front part of the cargo semi-trailer with its saddle is fixed by a lock on the plate of a special device shown
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