PSI - Issue 59
O. Fomin et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) 629–635 631 Oleksij Fomin, Serhii Kara, Dmytro Turovets, Andrii Klymash, Serhii Kuzmenko / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2023) 000 – 000 3 in Fig. 2; 2) the rear part of the cargo semi-trailer is fixed supports installed in the corresponding grooves of the floor of the platform model 13-900M. Such combined fixation of the cargo semi-trailer in combination with the lowered floor level on the platform car prevents its longitudinal and transverse displacement. Additional cables for fixing the wheels of the cargo semi trailer were not used. The test object, consisting of a 13-9004M model platform car, installed on it device for transportation of semi trailer sand a loaded semi-trailer are shown on Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Wagon-platform model 13- 9004М with installed on it device for transportation of semi-trailer sand a loaded semi-trailer. According to the arrangement diagram of tensor resistors shown in Fig. 2, strain gauges were installed on the elements of the device for transporting semi-trailers on a platform wagon of the 13-9004M model and connected them into a Wheatstone half-bridge circuit with one active and compensating strain gauge. Such a scheme provides a measuring channel, supplemented by a strain gauge module NI 9237, which performs scaling of instantaneous values of the input voltage and analog-digital conversion into a digital signal. After connecting and checking the performance of the measuring equipment, stress measurements were made in the elements of the device for transporting semi-trailers on the platform wagon model 13- 9004М during shock tests and tests of dropping from wedges to evaluate strength indicators and natural frequencies of oscillations, dynamic stresses and indicators of the quality of movement of the platform wagon. Fig. 3 shows the scheme of installing wedges under the wheels of the experimental carduring wedge drop tests. Wedges are installed in turn: 1) under all wheels of the car (imitation of bouncing); 2) under the wheels of one side of one cart and the other side of the second cart (simulation of twisting); 3) under all wheels of one cart (imitation of galloping); 4) under the wheels of one side of the experimental car (imitation of lateral wobble). The test results were processed on a computer using specialized mathematical software for statistical processing of the primary results obtained during the experimental trip. The measuring complex for diagnostics and testing of rolling stock consists of a software-hardware automatic recorder, a set of communication cables, a computer and software. The automatic hardware and software recorder based on the NI 9012 controller consists of the NI 9237 ADC strain gauge modules, the NI 9205 ADC modules and the GPS module.
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