Issue 50

Fracture and Structural Integrity, 50 (2019); ISSN 1971-9883

A. Tijani, M. Meknassi, H., Chaffoui, M. Elghorba Corrosion’s impact on wire rope strand response - Comparison with a theoretical predictive model M. Ameri, M. Nemati, H. Shaker, F. Jafari Experimental and numerical investigation of the properties of the Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete with basalt and glass fiber …………………………………………………………... J. Papuga, M. Nesládek, J. Kuželka, J. Jurenka Differences in the response to in-phase and out-of-phase multiaxial high-cycle fatigue loading ........ A. Benzaama, M. Mokhtari, H. Benzaama, E. Abdelouahed, T. Tamine, K. Madani, A. Slamen, M. Ilies Using XFEM Techniques to Predict the Damage of aluminum 2024T3 notched under tensile load ………..........................................................................................………………… M. Godio, K. Beyer Quantifying the out-of-plane response of unreinforced masonry walls subjected to relative support motion ……...………………………………………………………………….. B. Badarloo, F. Jafari Finite Element Analysis and ANFIS investigation of seismic behavior of sandwich panels with different concrete material in two story steel building ….............................................................. A. Salmi, M. Elajrami, M. E. A. Slimani Crack growth study under thermo-mechanical loads: parametric analysis for 2024 T3 aluminum alloy ……………………………………………………………………………... P. Livieri, F. Segala Stress intensity factor for small embedded cracks in weldments …………………………….. L. Romanin, P. Ferro, A. Fabrizi, F. Berto A metallurgical and thermal analysis of Inconel 625 electron-beam welded joints …………..... C. C. Silva, R. B. Caldas, R. H. Fakury, H. Carvalho, J. V. F. Dias Web rotational stiffness of continuous steel-concrete composite castellated beams ………...…… K. Meftah, L. Sedira A nonlinear elasto-plastic analysis of Reissner-Mindlin plates by finite element method ............... H. Saidi, M. Sahla Vibration analysis of functionally graded plates with porosity composed of a mixture of Aluminum (Al) and Alumina (Al 2 O 3 ) embedded in an elastic medium …………………... P. Qiu Experimental research on fracture behavior of concrete after high temperature ………...……... V. Iasnii, P. Yasniy, D. Baran, A. Rudawska The effect of temperature on low-cycle fatigue of shape memory alloy ………………………. K. Singh, C. Robertson, A.K. Bhaduri Brittle fracture model parameter estimation for irradiated BCC material through dislocation based crystal plasticity model …………………………………………………………

















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