Issue 50

Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 50 (2019); International Journal of the Italian Group of Fracture

Table of Contents

O. Plekhov, A. Vshivkov The effect of fatigue crack rate on the heat dissipation in metals under mixed-mode loading …...... 1-8 M.F. Borges, F.V. Antunes, P. Prates, R. Branco, M.C. Oliveira Effect of yield stress on fatigue crack growth ………………………………………….... 9-19 Z.-y. Han, X.-g. Huang Stress corrosion behavior of X80 pipeline steel in the natural seawater with different dissolved oxygen contents ……………………………………………………………………. 20-28 G. Khandouzi, M. Mollashahi, M. Moosakhani Numerical simulation of crack propagation behavior of a semi-cylindrical specimen under dynamic loading ……….....................................................................................................………... 29-37 M. Eremin, A. Kulkov, I. Smolin, V. Mikushina Investigation of Failure Mechanism of Al 2 O 3 Specimens Subjected to Three-Point Bending Test 38-45 I. G. F. da Silva, A. H. P. de Andrade, W. A. Monteiro Leak-Before-Break methodology applied to different piping materials: a performance evaluation 46-53 N. Boychenko, I. Ishtyryakov Characterization of the stress-strain state in a gas turbine engine compressor disc taking into account damage accumulation ………..………………………………………………. 54-67 M. Baghdadi, B. Serier, M. Salem, B. Zaoui, K. Kaddouri Modeling of a cracked and repaired Al 2024T3 aircraft plate: effect of the composite patch shape on the repair performance. …………………………………...……………………..... 68-85 A. Sarkar, A. Nagesha, R. Sandhya, M. Okazaki Crack growth based life prediction approach under LCF-HCF interaction ………………..... 86-97 R. Boutelidja, A. Guedri, M. A. Belyamna, B. Merzoug Environmental effects on the reliability of an AISI 304 structure …………………………. 98-111 B. Benamar, M. Mokhtari, K. Madani, H. Banzaama Using a cohesive zone modeling to predict the compressive and tensile behavior on the failure load of single lap bonded joint ………………………… …………………..…………………… O. Mouhat, A. Bybi, A. El Bouhmidi, M. Rougui Effects of ply orientation on nonlinear buckling of aircraft composite stiffened panel ...…………




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