Issue 50
Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 50 (2019); International Journal of the Italian Group of Fracture
F. Larbi Chaht, M. Mokhtari, H. Benzaama Using a Hashin Criteria to predict the Damage of composite notched plate under traction and torsion behavior ….……………………………………………………………...…. N. D. Alexopoulos, N. Siskou, C.-M. Charalampidou, S. K. Kourkoulis Simulation of the corrosion-induced damage on aluminum alloy 2024 specimens with equivalent surface notches ……………………………………………………………….……. G. Belokas Probabilistic geotechnical engineering analysis based on first order reliability method ………….. 354-369 I. Dakanali, A. Marinelli Tension - torsion fatigue tests on the proton exchange membrane Nafion 115 (Perfluorosulfonic acid) …................................................................................................................................... 370-382 S. Gavela, N. Nikoloutsopoulos, G. Papadakos, D. Passa, A. Sotiropoulou Experimental uncertainty budget for concrete compressive strength test based on a multifactorial analysis ………………………………………………....……………………...… 383-394 K. Kaklis, Z. Agioutantis, S. Mavrigiannakis, P. Maravelaki-Kalaitzaki A simplified damage evolution relationship and deformation characteristics of a pozzolanic lime mortar when subjected to unloading-reloading cycles in the pre-peak region …...……………… 395-406 N. Chatzidai, D. Karalekas Experimental and numerical study on the influence of critical 3D printing processing parameters 407-413 V. N. Kytopoulos, E. Sideridis, J. Venetis, C. Riga, A. Altzoumailis A SEM-X-Ray assisted experimental approach for the determination of mechanical and thermal load – induced damage in MMCs ………………………………………………....…. 414-422 A. G. Lekatou, S. Tsouli, C. Nikolaidis, S. Kleftakis, I. K. Tragazikis, T. E. Matikas Effect of fly ash on the corrosion performance and structural integrity of stainless steel concrete rebars in acid rain and saline environments ……………………………………………. 423-437 A. Marinelli, M. R. Stewart Comparative experimental study of the mechanical and fracture properties of Portland limestone and Corsehill sandstone ………………………………………………..…………… 438-450 Christos F. Markides Double initial and caustic curves in diametrically compressed transparent discs - Application to the contact length ………………………………………………………………...… 451-470 N. Martini, V. Koukou, G. Fountos, I. Valais, I. Kandarakis, C. Michail, A. Bakas, E. Lavdas, K. Ninos, G. Oikonomou, L. Gogou, G. Panayiotakis Imaging performance of a CaWO 4 /CMOS sensor……………………………………… 471-480 A. Kakaliagos, N. Ninis Damage and failure of Orban’s gun during the bombardment of Constantinople walls in 1453 481-496 I. Papantoniou , H. P. Kyriakopoulou, D. I. Pantelis, D. E. Manolakos Metal foaming by powder metallurgy process: investigation of different parameters on the foaming 331-341 342-353
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