Issue 15
Kytyr et alii, Fra
ttura ed Integrit
à Strutturale, 15
(2011) 5-13; D
OI: 10.3221/IGF
reh Th
abilitation or e role of failu ponents. T ponent was n femoral on e bone-ceme re is no stud earch was t ualisation of tability progr e specimen pr he expe The sp (OH(CH ensions of t a remained in scanning of ented aceta keep the thic e bed and th spherical su m a modified cromolecular ymethylmeth dery substa epicted in Fi
rejection of re in aseptic he process not yet satis e. The most nt interface h y on using µC o investigate the trabecul ess. eparation riments and ecimen was 2 O)nH). W he specimen tact. The pe the intact ace bular cup Po kness of the e notches on rface with a highly cros Chemistry o acrylate (PM nce and liqui g. 1. D METHO
replacement loosening of of the ceme factorily des significant w as been stud T to observ the degrad ar bone struc
, aseptic loo cemented to nt mantle d cribed. The r ork in this fie ied using me e the structu ation caused ture and the
sening is one tal hip replac egradation ate of acetab ld include re chanical testi ral changes in by the cy cement layer
of the mos ements has b and bone-ce ular compon search of Za ng and nume the cement clic mechan changes pro
t frequent re een extensiv ment interfa ent failure is nt et al. [2, 3] rical analyses layer and tra ical loading vided detaile
asons of fail ely studied m ce debondin more then t at University , however, to becular bone using radiol d informatio
ure of the T ainly in fem g of acetab wo times hig of Portsmo our knowle . The aim of ogical meth n about imp
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measuremen preserved ith regards t to fit the de lvis was scan tabular regio ldi (Beznoska cement laye the surface transverse r slinked ultra f the Czech A MA) bone d componen
ts were carri by immersio o the size o tector. The b ned using a c n, cemented s.r.o.) was u r constant th of the cup co adial notch l high-molecu cademy of cement ( (C ts was used f
ed out using n in 4 % f the used X one was res ustom micro acetabular co sed. For pro rough the w nstrains the ocated along lar-weight po Sciences (Pat 5 O 2 H 8 )n me or implant fi
wet anatomi phosphate -ray detecto ected in its i tomography mponent wa per functioni hole acetabu movements o the perimet lyethylene (U ent No. 2977 thacrylic acid xation. Aceta
cal specimen (Na 2 HPO 4 ) r it was ne schial, pubic device prior s implanted. ng of the cup lar region. A f the implan er of the imp HMWPE) 00). methyl este bular compo
of human h buffered p cessary to sl and iliac par any mechani and its fixat good comp t. The outer lant. The im developed by r), produced nent implan
emipelvic bo araformaldeh ightly adjust t; the acetab cal testing. A ion it is essen ression into shape of the plant was m the Institut by mixing tation proced
ne. yde the ular fter tial the cup ade e of
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igure 1 : Aceta
bular compon
ent implantati
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ading test ew hip joint allow cyclic l vo-hydraulic pling freque
simulator w oading of the Instron 1603 ncy. A sinus
as developed pelvic bone was used. T oidal force w
for acetabul sample with he outputs o ith a given a
ar implant te implanted c f the force an mplitude wa
sting (see Fig emented ace d displacem s applied. Th
. 2). The exp tabular comp ent transduc e hip conta
erimental set onent. For t ers were capt ct force of re
up was desig he cyclic load ured with 10 quired direc
ned ing Hz tion
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