Issue 15
D. Kytyr e t using sphe nd amplitud . This freque s supported
t alii, Frattura e rical femoral e (1000 N) w ncy is higher by an epoxy m
d Integrità Strut component ere chosen than that of ould. Durin
turale, 15 (201 head. Accord to simulate t normal walk g the test, th
1) 5-13; DOI: 10 ing to the h he most unf ing but with e specimen w
and me (do imp sali
magnitude asurement [1 wnstairs wal lant durabili ne solution.
was applied t ] mean valu king) with 4 ty [3]. The pe
o the implan e (1400 N) a Hz frequency lvic bone wa
ip contact fo avorable acti out any effec as moistened
rces vity t to by
Figure 3 : Loa
Figure 2 : Th
e hip simulato
ding cycle.
Ma Kn sim alm ma bon the sur Th goo stru dia wa rec the vel
terial testing owledge of ulations. Th ost no corre terial proper e can be ass samples [4] face) nor ext e pulse trans d agreement cture have b meter and 20 s carried out eiver (USE-T material, the ocity v and b
rical ture hed ular e of ple . A one mm g. 4 and s of ave
material prop ere is very w lation betwe ties was the essed by mec . To measur ensometer (p mission ultra between the een reported − 30 mm le using USG ). The veloci refore the Y one density ρ
erties is a p ide range of en the Youn reason for ex hanical testin e the strain ossible dama sonic techni ultrasonical [6]. A serie ngth were dr 20 (Kromph ty of the lon oung's modu , (for details
rerequisite fo trabecular b g's modulus perimental a g, but in thi using standar ge of the sam que [5] is a ly determine s of 20 sam illed out from olz Geotron gitudinal ultr lus can be o see e.g. [7]).
r performin one material and anatom ssessment o s case strain d procedure ple surface) quick non-de d and mecha ples from 5 femoral he Elektronik, asonic waves btained from
g mechanica properties (E ical location f material pr measuremen s i.e. strain g is inconvenie structive me nically measu different don ads and delip FRG) used ' propagation the formula
l analysis, es = 0.1 − 4. . The high operties. Ma t is challengin auge (difficu nt. thod for Yo red elastic m ors was test idated. The with a 250 depends on (1) coupling
pecially in ca 5 GPa) repo discrepancy terial propert g due to the lt attachmen ung's modul oduli of the ed. The spec experiment d kHz vibrato the mechani elasticity mo
se of nume rted in litera in the publis ies of trabec brittle natur t to the sam us estimation cancellous b imens of 5 episted in Fi r (USG -T) cal propertie dulus E ad , w
ad E v
and volume m e path of the ed as:
nsity of pure d to measure ple length. T
trabecular bo the time of w hen formula
ne was obta ave propaga for the elast
ined by samp tion. For sim ic modulus c
le weighting plification th an be express
easurement wave propa
s. Ultrasound gation was ta
probe was ken equal to
De use sam
2 2 l m t v
ad E
Th iso E iso
e kind of me thermic) mod moduli dep
asurement y ulus obtaine ends on the
ields the so d from tens coefficient o
tic (or dynam essive tests. R ansion and
ical) Young elationship the specific
's modulus w between the heat of the
hich is large adiabatic E a material C p a
r than static d and isother t constant st
(or mic ress
called adiaba ile or compr f thermal exp
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