Issue 15
D. Kytyr e
t alii, Frattura e
d Integrità Strut
turale, 15 (201
1) 5-13; DOI: 10
E of
xperim cemen
ental an ted bon
d num e-impl
erical st ant inte
udy rface b
D. Cz 25, xky O. Ac Pra jiro D. Ch dav
Kytyr, T. ech Technical 110 00 Prag tyr@fd.cvut. Jirousek, ademy of Sci gue 9 usek@itam.c Pokorny arles Universi id.pokorny@ STRACT . A eases and d of the re ment layer n investigat sample of ection and favorable ac s monitored us source a pagation bo YWORDS . B
Doktor University in ue 1 cz, xdoktor@f P. Zlamal ences of the, zlamal@
Prague, Facu
lty of Transpo
rtation Scienc
es, Departmen
t of Mechanic
s and Materia
ls, Na Floren
Czech Repub
lic, Institute
of Theoretica
l and Appl
ied Mechanics
, Prosecka´ 7
6, 190 00
ty, Faculty of
medicine, Ort
hopaedic Clin
ic, V Uvalu 8
4, 150 06 P
rague 5
lthough the isorders of t search was degradation ed using a c pelvic bone magnitude tivity (down by repeated nd large hig th in the ce one-cement
total hip he human h to investiga and bone-c ustom hip with impla was applied stairs walk scanning u h-resolutio ment layer a interface; H
replacemen ip, the surg te the cem ement inter simulator. T nted cemen to the im ing) was sim sing high re n flat panel nd the trab ip simulato
t (THR) is ery brings s ented bone face debond he experim ted acetabu plant using ulated. The solution mi detector all ecular bone r; µCT; Cra
a long-pro ome risk of -implant in ing) during ental setup w lar compon a spherical process o cro Compu ows investi . ck detection .
ven method long-term terface beha physiologic as designe ent. The hip femoral co f damage ac ted Tomogr gation of st
of surgica instability o vior. The al loading c d to allow c contact fo mponent h cumulation aphy (µCT) ructural cha
l treatment f the joint. T main proble onditions h yclic loading rce of requ ead. The m in the fixat . Use of mic nges and cr
of he ms ave of ired ost ion ro ack
A B dis aim (ce bee the
dir un wa
foc pro
otal hip procedu convent
arthroplasty re that has i ional medica
or surgical mproved the l therapy. Suc
replacement managemen cess of the t
of the hip t of those di reatment can
joint with a seases of the be disturbed
n artificial p hip joint th by several c
rosthesis is at have resp auses, beside
a reconstruc onded poorl s the insuffic
tive y to ient
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