PSI - Issue 64
M. Komary et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 64 (2024) 693–699 Mahyad Komary/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000
in a second). To create a sinus wave, the jack was to be moved up to 0.1 millimeters up and down from its null axis. It is possible to calculate the acceleration equation using a very basic two-time differential. = ∗ ( ∗ + ) (1) = ∗ ∗ (2) In equation1 y represents the displacement in time (t), d denotes the maximum movement permitted by the jack in a cycle, ω is the angular frequency; and f is the set frequency, which is equal to 5Hz and the phase constant. Equations 1 and 2 have been used to compute acceleration on Equation 3. To accomplish this, the second order derivative of equation one was obtained. Equation 3 was used to compute the maximum acceleration, which came out to be 10.4352 milig. = ∗ = ̈ = − ∗ ∗ ( ∗ + ) (3) The sensor's inability to record data or its untidy data recording when it did record was the experiment's first major issue. It was concluded that in order to obtain reliable information, the sensor needed to be adhered to the jack's bottom plate. The second issue was that, although the sensor was reporting more than 300 data points per second, the written Python code could only save 120 data points per second. However, data might have been saved on the computer at the same rate of production if commercial software had been used with the serial port. Since obtaining the precise moment of capture was crucial in this case, using Python was required to attach the given data with the appropriate time. Reducing the speed of data capture was necessary to solve this issue and enable Python to retrieve and store the files. The capture speed had been set at 84 Hz just to be safe. The other unforeseen problem this project encountered was that, despite the sensor having been calibrated within the company, a constant number was added to all presented data; hereafter, this constant number would be referred to as the "white noise" [10]. The averaged data is approximately -50 milig, as shown in Figure 6, but it had to swing around zero. This sensor's white noise was thought to be -50 milig. The average of 10,000 sets of data from a vibration-free test has been computed in order to accurately measure this. The white noise for this sensor was determined to be 49.8535 milig.
-75.00 -65.00 -55.00 -45.00 -35.00 -25.00
acceleration ( milig)
time (s)
Fig. 6. Acceleration Time Diagram with White Noise.
The values had been raised to the proper levels by deducting this sum from the given accelerations. With this white noise removed, the data became more comprehensible and clearer. This enhancement is depicted in figure 7. After testing various accelerometer boards, it was determined that every circuit has a unique quantity of white noise that needs to be taken care of [11]. The continuity of this white noise ought to have been guaranteed. Furthermore, neither time nor circumstances can alter it. The jack was programmed with a lot of more distinct frequencies and displacements as a result. The white noise in each experiment remained constant.
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