PSI - Issue 6

Nadezhda Ostrovskaya et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 6 (2017) 19–26 Nadezhda Ostrovskaya, Yury Rutman / StructuralIntegrity Procedia 00 (2017) 000 – 000



4. Conclusion Maximum horizontal accelerations of the seismic platform were ~ 1g m/s 2 , vertical accelerations of seismic platform ~ 0.5 g m/s 2 , horizontal speed and displacement - 0.69 1g m/s 2 and 0.11 m respectively. These parameters can be considered as extreme for Russia’s territory. Reduction coefficient for horizontal accelerations on the mockupup as compared with similar parameters of the seismic platform motions, as it could be noted from the Table 1 is 2. The test had shown that the dampers suggested permit to ensure the required dissipation level. Belyaev V.S., Gus'kov V.D., Dolbenkov V.G., Rutman Yu.L. Devices for seismoisolation of buildings, industrial facilities and their equipment // Bulleti n INZhEKONA. Series: technical science. 2007. № 6(19). P. 114 -121. Gus'kov V.D., Rutman Yu.L., Hodasevich K.B. New types of pendular and basic seismoisolation systems of buildings, industrial facilities and their equipment // Bulletin INZhEKONA. Series: te chnical science. 2008. № 8 (27). P. 61 -63. Amelin A.M., Grunin V.V., Dolbenkov V.G., Rutman Yu.L., Hodasevich K.B. Seismoisolation systems of civil and industrial buildings and the equipment protection device of these objects against extreme influences // Collection «Works of the Sixth Okunevsky Readings». SPb.: Publishing BGTU. 2008. P. 39-44. Skinner R.I. Hysteretic dampers for earthquake – resistance structures // Earthquake engineering and structural dynamics. vol.3-3. 1975, P. 287 293. Robinson W.N. An extrusion energy absorber suitable for the protection structures during an earthquake // Earthquake engineering and structural dynamics. vol.3-4. 1976. P. 251-259. Kovaleva N.V., Skvortsov V.R., Rutman Yu.L. Opredelenie parametrov silovoy diagrammy plasticheski deformiruemykh elementov konstruktsii // Sbornik «Trudy Dvadtsat' vtoroy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii «Matematicheskoe modelirovanie v mekhanike sploshnykh sred. Me tody granichnykh i konechnykh elementov». SPb: Izd -vo NITs MORINTEKh. 2007. P. 220-225. Kovaleva N.V., Rutman Y.L. Estimation of efficiency of demping parametrs seismoisilation systems // Magazine of Civil Engineering. № 1(27), 2012, P. 37 – 43. Ostrovskaia N.V. Determination of the force-deformation response of plastically deformable round section curvilinear core // Messenger civil engineers. 2015, № 4(51), P. 68 – 73. Davydova G.V., Kovaleva N.V., Rutma n Y.L. Optimal damping parametrs seismoisilation systems // Magazine of Civil Engineering. № 5(40), 2013, P. 107 – 115. Rutman Y.L. Seismoisilating devices. Design, analysis, experiment // Magazine of Civil Engineering. № 1(27), 2012, P. 37 – 43. References

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