PSI - Issue 6

Nadezhda Ostrovskaya et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 6 (2017) 19–26 Nadezhda Ostrovskaya, Yury Rutman / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2017) 000 – 000



Fig. 9. Relative horizontal displacement of base of building mockupup.

Table 3. Extreme values of accelerations and time of their achievement in the test. sensor number Peak value, m/s 2 Time maximum, s Minimum value, m/s 2

Time minimum, s

А16 5 А18 9 А19 2 А19 3

8.34 8.05

16.07 16.07 16.11 16.52


16.27 16.27 16.27 16.25



-4.86 -5.57


Also for comparison of the experimental datas with numerical dynamic calculation for system (2) without a viscid sliding friction with the following parameters was carried out: system frequency – 0.4 Hz; parameters of damping: 0 1 . f T  , 42 1   , 0 85 2 .   . As external influence accelerations of the seismoplatform foundation, on the basis of the horizontal accelerations which are written down from the A189 sensor (Fig. 10) were taken. The relative movements received as a result of dynamic calculation for model (2) are compared with the movements on a covering of the top structure of the building (P11 sensor) received during the experiment. The results presented in the Fig. 11 show satisfactory high quality coincidence of theoretical data with the experimental.

Fig. 10. External influence for dynamic calculation.

Fig. 11. The relative movements by calculation and an experiment.

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