PSI - Issue 6

Alexander K. Belyaev / Procedia Structural Integrity 6 (2017) 201–207 A.K.Belyaev et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000



Belyaev A. K., Polyanskiy V. A. , Grishchenko A. I. , Lobachev A. M., Mansyrev D. I. , Modestov V. S., Pivkov A. V., Semenov A. S., Shtukin L. V. , Tretyakov D. A., Yakovlev Yu. A., 2016b. Application of the Acoustic Anisotropy Approach for Technical Diagnostics of Structures with Large Plastic Deformations. AIP Conference Proceedings 1785 (1), 030004. Grishchenko A. I., Modestov, V.S., Polyanskiy, V.A., Tretyakov D.A., Shtukin, L.V., 2017. Experimental Investigation of the Acoustic Anisotropy Field in the Sample with a Stress Concentrator. St. Petersburg Polytechnical University Journal: Physics and Mathematics 3 (1), 77-82. Belyaev, A.K., Polyanskiy, V.A., Lobachev, A.M., Modestov, V.S., Semenov, A.S., Grishchenko, A.I., Yakovlev, Y.A., Shtukin, L.V., Tretyakov, D.A., 2016c. Propagation of Sound Waves in Stressed Elasto-Plastic Material. Days on Di ff raction (DD) 2016, 56-61. Alekseeva, E.L., Alhimenko, A.A., Belyaev, A.K., Lobachev, A.M., Polyanskiy, V.A., Rostovykh, G.N., Tretyakov, D.A., Shtukin, L.V., Yakovlev, Y.A., 2016. Evaluation of Stress-Strain State and Cracking of Weather-Proof Structural Steel by Acoustoelasticity. Construction of Unique Buildings and Structures 51 (12), 33-44 (in Russian). Semenov, A.S., 2017. Symmetrization of the E ff ective Stress Tensor for Anisotropic Damaged Continua. St. Petersburg Polytechnical State Uni versity Journal. Physics and Mathematics 10 (2), 82-98 (in Russian). Kachanov, L.M., 1958. On the Time to Failure Under Creep Conditions. “ Izv. AN USSR, Otd. Tekhn. Nauk ” (8), 26-31 (in Russian). Rabotnov, Y.N., 1959. On the Mechanism of Long-Term Fracture, in “ Problems of strength of materials and structures ”. M.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, pp. 5-7 (in Russian). Lemaitre, J., 1986. Local Approach of Fracture. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 25 (5-6), 523-537. Lemaitre, J., Dufailly, J., 1987. Damage Measurements. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 28 (5-6), 643-661. Chow, C. L., Wang, J., 1987. An Anisotropic Theory of Continuum Damage Mechanics for Ductile Fracture. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 27 (5), 547-558. Chandrakanth S., Pandey P. C., 1995. An Isotropic Damage Model for Ductile Material. Engineering fracture mechanics 50 (4), 457-465. Murakami, S., Ohno, N.A, 1981. Continuum Theory of Creep and Creep Damage, in “ Creep in structures ”. In: A.R.S. Ponter, D.R. Hayhurst (eds.), Berlin: Springer, pp. 422-443. Cordebois, J.P., Sidoro ff , F., 1982. Damage Induced Elastic Anisotropy, in “ Mechanical behavior of anisotropic solids ”. In: Boehler J.P. (ed.). Martinus Nijho ff : Hague. pp.761-774. Le Chatelier, A., 1909. Influence du Temps et de la Temperature Sur les Essais au Choc. Rev. de Metallurgie 6 (8), 914-917. Chihab, K., Estrin, Y., Kubin, L. P., Vergnol, J., 1987. The Kinetics of the Portevin-Le Chatelier Bands in an Al-5at%Mg Alloy. Scripta Metallurgica 21 (2), 203-208. Franklin, S. V., Mertens, F., Marder, M., 2000. Portevin-Le Chatelier E ff ect. Physical Review E. 62 (6), 8195-8206. Jiang, H., Zhang, Q., Chen, X., Chen, Z., Jiang, Z., Wu, X., Fan, J., 2007. Three Types of Portevin-Le Chatelier E ff ects: Experiment and Modeling. Acta Materialia 55 (7), 2219-2228.

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