PSI - Issue 6
Alexander K. Belyaev / Procedia Structural Integrity 6 (2017) 201–207 A.K.Belyaev et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
precision strain gage in order to minimize the influence of the Portevin-Le Chatelier e ff ect on the results of precision measurements. The nonlinear decrease in the velocities of the longitudinal and two transverse waves of mutually orthogonal polarization was experimentally established. It can be caused by accumulation of damages in the process of inelastic deformation (cf. Fig. 2a,b). The nonlinear character of the dependence of acoustic anisotropy on stresses and on deformations was also ob served (cf. Fig. 4a,b). It cannot be described by the generally accepted formula for acoustic anisotropy (2), based on the nonlinearly elastic Murnaghan model and establishing a linear relationship between acoustic anisotropy, stresses, and plastic deformations. The theoretical dependence (7) between the principal values of damage tensor and acoustic anisotropy of specimens from commercial alloy in the region of large plastic deformations was experimentally confirmed. The use of an explicit additive scheme for symmetrization of the e ff ective stress tensor provides the best correlation with the experimentally measured acoustic anisotropy. The conducted investigations confirm the relationship between acoustic anisotropy and damage. It has a significant importance for the technical diagnostics of structures by using the acoustoelasticity method.
The research was carried out in the framework of project No. 15-19-00091 of the Russian Science Foundation. The financial support by the Russian Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.
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