PSI - Issue 44

Marta Faravelli et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 44 (2023) 107–114 Marta Faravelli et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000–000



5. Conclusions

This paper presents the tool developed in IRMA platform specifically conceived for performing the risk assessment of the Italian school buildings. As presented in the paper, the main aim of such risk assessment is to provide results in aggregate form at different territorial scales (municipal, provincial and regional) and not to the the scale of single asset. The platform is intended to constitute a useful support for decision-makers responsible of planning mitigation policies. Of course, the reliability of the results achievable through the platform strongly depends on the uncertainties and level of knowledge available on the input data, such as exposure, fragility curves, and consequence functions. With reference to exposure data, a further limit of the presented analysis is related to the exposure database which dates back to 2005 and doesn’t include uniform data in terms of completeness throughout the overall Italy. To partially solve this issue, the ongoing effort is to update the data with the inventory made on 2018 by the Ministry of Instruction. Moreover, in the future, a collection of data targeted at regional or municipality scale would be desirable to specialize vulnerability factors and characteristics of school buildings in different territorial contexts. Although such an operation implies a considerable effort, this is justified by the strategic impacts of damages on school buildings. Concerning also the format of expected outcomes, the robustness of these aggregations is related to the reliability of the inventory that characterizes the exposure. Improving the inventory data is essential to be able to aggregate results, not only in terms of the floor area, but also according to school grade or number of students. Finally, future developments should include in the risk computation also the effects of retrofit on school buildings in order to acknowledge the efforts that the Country already played in seismic risk mitigation programs. Furthermore, the adoption of vulnerability models that account for retrofit is paramount in cost-benefit analyses and hence in the decision process of seismic risk mitigation programs. 6. Acknowledgements This study has been developed under the financial support of the Italian Department of Civil Protection (DPC), within the ReLUIS-DPC 2019-21 Research Project (WP4–MARS, Coord. S.Lagomarsino and A.Masi) and the agreement between DPC and EUCENTRE. IRMA platform was developed since 2018 based on specific agreements with ReLUIS and EUCENTRE. We would like to thank all the ReLUIS research units that worked on task 4.7 dedicated to school buildings and the entire research and development team at EUCENTRE. The authors would also like to express their gratefulness to Prof. Mauro Dolce and Elena Speranza for the constructive discussion during the project activities. Finally, special thanks go to GEM personnel for all support given in the phases of integrating OpenQuake as a calculation engine in IRMA. References Augenti, N., Cosenza, E,. Dolce, M., Manfredi, G., Masi, A., Samela, L., 2004. Performance of School Buildings during the 2002 Molise, Italy, Earthquake. Earthquake Spectra. 2004;20(1_suppl):257-270. doi:10.1193/1.1769374. Azizi-Bondarabadi, H., Mendes, N., Lourenço, P.B., Sadeghi, N.H., 2016. Empirical seismic vulnerability analysis for masonry buildings based on school buildings survey in Iran. Bull Earthquake Eng 14, 3195–3229, 2016. Borzi, B., Onida, M., Faravelli, M., Polli, D., Pagano, M., Quaroni, D., Cantoni, A., Speranza, E., Moroni, C. 2021. IRMA platform for the calculation of damages and risks of Italian residential buildings. Bull Earthquake Eng 19, 3033–3055, 00924-x. Cattari, S., Alfano, S., Ottonelli, D., et al., 2021. Comparative study on two analytical mechanical-based methods for deriving fragility curves targeted to masonry school buildings. In Proc. of 8th ECCOMAS COMPDYN Conference, Athens, Greece, 27-30 June 2021. Cattari, S., Alfano, S., Masi, A., et al., 2022. Risk assessment of Italian school buildings at national scale: the MARS project experience. In: Proceedings of 3ECEES, Bucharest 2022. D'Ayala, D., Galasso, C., Nassirpour, A., Adhikari, R.K., Yamin, L., Fernandez, R., Lo, D., Garciano, L., Oreta, A., 2020. Resilient communities through safer schools. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Vol. 45, 2020. D.M. 17-01-2018, 2018. Aggiornamento delle norme tecniche per le costruzioni (NTC18). G.U. 20.02.2018 n. 42, Suppl. Ordinario n. 8. Di Ludovico, M., Digrisolo, A., Moroni, C., Graziotti, F., Manfredi, V., Prota, A,. Dolce M., Manfredi, G., 2019a. Remarks on damage and response of school buildings after the Central Italy earthquake sequence. Bull Earthquake Eng 17, 5679–5700, 2019. 018-0332-x.

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