PSI - Issue 44

Marta Faravelli et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 44 (2023) 107–114


Marta Faravelli et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000–000


correlated with the school grade, which however at present in the Ministry of Education's 2005 inventory it is not compiled homogeneously enough to be effectively used for this aim.

Fig. 4. From left different view of the damage D2 in a time windows of 50 years: by Municipality, Province and Region.

Fig. 5. The damage D2 map for a return period of 2500 years by Region at national level.

Finally, maps calculated for individual Regions can be aggregated in order to obtain a map for the entire territory. The possibility of aggregating the maps was included to allow the use of fragility curves and exposure matrices specifically developed for each Region, in order to better represent the reality of the built environment, which in Italy is very differentiated in the Regions for socio-economic reasons and, for old buildings, availability of construction materials.

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