PSI - Issue 20

Prokopyev Leonid Aleksandrovich et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 20 (2019) 93–97 Prokopyev Leonid Aleksandrovich et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



3. Conclusion In addition to the stress intensity factor, to predict the direction of crack growth, it is necessary to take into account not only T-stresses, but also higher-order terms in the Williams expansion series of the stress field. It is proposed to take into account the constant values of T-stresses as well as the above-mentioned members of a higher order by means of their representation as a single function of the angular distribution of T-stresses. A criterion for maximum tangential stresses is proposed, taking into account the angular distribution of T-stresses at the crack tip. When predicting the crack growth angle in a disk sample with a central crack for various loading types, the results of the proposed criterion are closest to the experimental results as compared with the well-known maximal tangential stress criterion. Acknowledgements The reported study was funded by Ministry of Science and Education of Russian Federation, Project III.28.1.1 in the frames of Program for Basic Research of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of sciences References Bolshakov, A., Zakharova, M., 2016. Operational risks for gas pipelines at low temperatures. Russian Engineering Research 36, 35 – 38. Ivanov, A., Bolshakov, A., Lyglaev, A., 2010. Estimation of ultimate state of metal structures exploited in the environment of the extreme north. Inorganic Materials 46, 1564-1566. Matvienko, Y., Bolshakov, A., 2012. Reliability and cold resistance of thin-walled structures at low ambient temperatures. Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability 41, 30-33. Makhutov, N., Bolshakov, A., Zakharova, M., 2016. Possible scenarios of accidents in reservoirs and pipelines at low operating temperature. Inorganic Materials 52, 1498-1502. Matviyenko Y., 2011. Nesingulyarnyye T-napryazheniya v kriteriyakh mekhaniki razrusheniya tel s vyrezami. Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N.I.Lobachevskogo 4(5), 2651-2652. Matviyenko Y., Pochinki R, 2012. Vliyaniye nesingulyarnykh komponentov T-napryazhennost' na zony plasticheskoy deformatsii u vershin treshchiny normal'nogo otryva. Deformatsii i razrusheniya materialov 3, 6-14. Matviyenko Y., 2011. Osredneniye napryazheniy v poiske trayektorii treshchiny. Vestnik nauchno-tekhnicheskogo razvitiya 12 (52), 19-24. Andreev, J., Bolshakov, A. 2016. Increasing the detection of nascent defects in vertical tanks during diagnosis. In the collection: Vitality and structural materials science (ZhivKoM - 2016), 100-103.

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