PSI - Issue 56

Hanane YAAGOUBI et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 56 (2024) 33–40 Structural Integrity Procedia (2023) 000 – 000 4


Figure 3 shows the design stress of von Mise stress in a layer of polyamide 12 after laser projection, this value is equal to 2.5 10 8 N/m². Figure 4 shows the magnitude of displacements within a layer of polyamide 12 which is equal to 45 10 -6 m.

Figure 5 Calculation of displacement on the arc length of the spot laser (m)

Figure 6 Calculation of stored energy density (N/m²)

Figure 7

Calculation of the volumetric strain

Figure 8 Calculation of the volume: stress tensor, z component (N/m²)

Figure 5 shows analyses of displacement on the arc length of the spot laser. Figure 6 shows the calculation of stored energy density (N/m²) which is equal to 6 10 7 N/m² Figure 7 shows the calculation of the volumetric strain which is equal to 0.2, figure 8 shows the calculation of the volume: stress tensor, z component (N/m²). Which is equal to 6 10 8 N/m².

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