PSI - Issue 56

Hanane YAAGOUBI et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 56 (2024) 33–40


Structural Integrity Procedia (2023) 000 – 000


III. Result & Discussion

Figure 1 The maximum temperature within a layer of polyamide 12 (K)

Figure 2


The plate is considered to be thick and therefore in a state of plane strain. A layer of polyamide 12 is modelled with a size of 0.001 m ˣ 0.001 m ˣ 0.00005 m heated by a laser spot with a radius of 1.2 10- 4 m (figure 1), the coefficients of the physical properties are constant. The physical properties are shown in Table 1 and the mesh statistic are shown in Table 2. Table 2. Mesh statistics Mesh statistics Description Value Minimum element quality 0.2186 Average element quality 0.7054 Tetrahedron 96179 Triangle 13268 Edge element 452 Vertex element 12 Figure 1 shows the maximum temperature within a layer of polyamide 12 which is equal to 445K (170C°) for an instant t =1us, with a preheating temperature of 403K (130C°), this layer is heated by a CO 2 laser 1.8W. The geometry of the investigated part is illustrated in Fig. 2 with mesh using a solid mechanics module integrated into COMSOL Multiphysics software.

Figure 3 Calculation of von Mises stress

Figure 4 Calculation of the magnitude of displacement (m)

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