PSI - Issue 56

Sergiu-Valentin Galațanu et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 56 (2024) 138– 143 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



principal strain in the recycled and raw specimens. In both cases, Fig. 6c and Fig. 7c already present the appearance of the crack, in the bottom part of the recycled specimen, and in the upper part of the raw specimen. Experimental testing results showed that fracture occurred in the calibrated area of the specimens.

Fig. 6. True Principal Strain from DIC on the recycled specimen

Fig. 7. True Principal Strain from DIC on the raw specimen

4. Conclusions Taken into account the results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:  Maximum stress presents similar results for the specimens from PETG transparent recycled (R) and PETG transparent (T) from raw wire respectively (R: 49.69 MPa and T:49.38 MPa respectively);  The results for specimens made from PETG white (W) and PERG Black (B) showed weaker values (W: 47.43 MPa and B: 46.88 MPa respectively). The color of the specimens leading to different results was also observed by other researchers;  All specimens presented the same behavior in terms of the strain state at the maximum stress value except the results for the white PETG specimens (R:4.3%,T:4.2, B:4% and W:4.5% ).  Ultimate strain presented a major dispersion of results with a high standard deviation for the recycled and black samples. For a better understanding of this behavior, more specimens need to be analyzed.  Young Modulus has similar values for the specimens, similar to those found in the literature (about 2100 MPa). Acknowledgements The authors want to acknowledge the E³UDRES² alliance for supporting this research. This research was supported by the ERASMUS+ Programme [101004069]. References Frunzaverde, D., Cojocaru, V., Bacescu, N., Ciubotariu, C.-R., Miclosina, C.-O., Turiac, R.R., Marginean, G. 2023. The Influence of the Layer Height and the Filament Color on the Dimensional Accuracy and the Tensile Strength of FDM-Printed PLA Specimens. Polymers 2023, 15, 2377. 10.3390/polym15102377 . Holcomb, G., Caldona, E. B., Cheng, X., & Advincula, R. C. 2022. On the optimized 3D printing and post-processing of PETG materials. MRS communications, 12(3), 381-387. Kováčová, M., Kozakovičová, J., Procházka, M., Janigová, I., Vysopal, M., Černičková, I. & Špitalský, Z. 2020. Novel hybrid PETG composites for 3D printing. Applied Sciences, 10(9), 3062. Krishna LSR, Srikanth PJ, 2021. Evaluation of environmental impact of additive and subtractive manufacturing processes for sustainable manufacturing. Materials Today: Proceedings 21; 45:3054 – 3060. Ngo TD, Kashani A, Imbalzano G, Nguyen KTQ, Hui D, 2018. Additive manufacturing (3D printing): A review of materials, methods, applications, and challenges. Composites Engineering 2018; 143: Elsevier 172 – 196.

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